Sasha Schoettler Called “Hero of the Week” by KNX 1070

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Sasha Schoettler arranged for classical music to be played outside during the Covid-19 stay-at-home orders. Neighbors were appreciative of her efforts.

Palisades resident Sasha Schoettler was selected the “hero of the week” by KNX 1070 on July 16 for her efforts in organizing informal neighborhood concerts that helped neighbors cope with Covid-19 isolation. Donations also benefitted a local grief center.

“During the past eight weeks of Covid we have been entertained by an excellent classical concert arranged by Sasha Schoettler and her mother violinist Nina – at grandmother Tanya’s house with a group of three professional musicians,” resident Nahid Massoud wrote Circling the News. “All week we look forward to the Fiddler on the Lawn concert. They are superb musicians and we feel so lucky to share their music.

“We have attended eight concerts,” said Massoud, noting that neighborhood residents wear masks and practice social distancing at the informal concerts, which are located near the corner of Arbramar and Miami Way in the El Medio Bluffs. The next concert is Friday, July 24, starting at 5 p.m.

Below is the story that ran on the radio station:

Sasha Schoettler

A teenager from Los Angeles County is helping her neighborhood cope during the pandemic, by organizing weekly string quartet concerts in her front yard.

She’s also supporting a local grief center at the same time, and she’s our KNX Hero of the Week.

Sasha Schoettler says the idea for “Fiddler on the Lawn” came to mind after watching her mom play the violin.

“My mom is a professional violinist. She was with one of her friends playing some duets in our front yard. And there were tons of people walking past, and everyone really loved it!” says the Palisades High School student. “I thought this could be an amazing way to fundraise for a cause I am really passionate about, and I immediately thought about Our House, because they helped me when I lost my dad in 2010.”

Our House is a grief support center, a place that is close to the 16-year-old.

“I saw that they were doing special things for people who lost their loved ones to Covid-19. And [many] couldn’t grieve with their normal support system, because of the quarantine,” explains Sasha.

“I decided I wanted to set up more official concerts to raise money for Our House. I sent out a newsletter, and we had over fifty people come to our first concert. We raised over $500!”

“It was really, really inspiring,” says Sasha.

Sylvia Moskovitz is the Chief Development Officer with Our House, and she says Sasha is an amazing young lady who truly has a heart for others.

“She still remembers the importance of grief support, and she wants to do this to help other kids. It gave me faith that our younger generation really gets it!”

So far, Sasha has organized about eight “Fiddler on the Lawn” concerts, raising nearly $3000.

Sasha says it not only gives her joy knowing that she’s helping others cope during the pandemic, she’s happy to create an outlet for her mom and fellow musicians to pay their music. Most studios and concert halls are closed right now, due to COVID-19.

“This is basically the only chance they get to perform.”

Making an impact during the pandemic, 16 year-old Sasha Schoettler is our KNX Hero of the Week!

“It’s been really amazing and overwhelming, the support that we’ve gotten,” says the teenager.

For information about Our House grief support center, go to

If you have someone you’d like to nominate as a KNX Hero of the Week, click






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