Captain Jonathon Tom Sends Public Safety Message

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(Editor’s note: The following message was sent to the Pacific Palisades community on June 6, from LAPD Captain Jonathon Tom, Commanding Officer, West Los Angeles Area.)

Captain Jonathon Tom is in charge of the West L.A. LAPD Division.

“Recently information from a leaked Los Angeles Sheriffs (LASO) document was distributed and shared by a large group of community members in the Palisades. The document . . . indicated that criminals would be targeting vehicles and homes in the Palisades, Marina Del Rey, Beverly Hills and Malibu on June 6, 2020 in what is referenced as “Defiance Saturday.” The information understandably has caused some panic in the community.

In response to several inquiries, I reached out to our Department’s Intelligence experts and they in turn contacted their counterparts in the LASO. Our Department learned that the information in the “SitRep” (situation report) is “raw” unvetted information. Subsequent to that report, the LASO conducted an extensive investigation, which included social media searches and found nothing to substantiate the information. The LAPD also conducted their own investigation and found nothing to corroborate the threat.

As we become aware of them, we will continue to look into this and other internet threads and social media and advise if we identify anything that we believe could have any veracity to it.

Please keep in mind that there are “fear mongers” amongst us that enjoy causing panic with little to no effort just by posting false information on the internet and social media. Most of the “threats” I’ve seen have not come to fruition.

Anything is possible, but without further information, all we can do is be vigilant. Lock your doors and windows, keep your valuables out of sight and make sure your keys and key fobs are not left inside your vehicle (even if the car is in your driveway or garage). Be on the lookout for suspicious behavior without racially profiling people. Our Department teaches us to profile criminal behavior and not race and you would do well to do the same. Do not hesitate to call 911 if there is an emergency or you see activity that is consistent with criminal activity. If it is not an emergency, call (877) ASK LAPD. In either case, ask the operator for the last four of the incident number so you can reference it if you have to call them back.

In the meantime, we have deployed extra resources at numerous locations throughout the 65 square miles of this division, including the Pacific Palisades. Again, if you see a crime in progress or believe a crime is about to occur, do not hesitate to call 911 and we will get resources to the location to deal with the problem.

Captain Jonathan Tom
Commanding Officer
West Los Angeles Area”

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One Response to Captain Jonathon Tom Sends Public Safety Message

  1. Richard Andonian says:

    What I don’t understand is the meaning of leaked ( Los Angles Sherif (LASO) document.
    Was it a fake document or it leaked from the department. ?
    And where did the public find that document posted ??

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