Longtime Pacific Palisades resident Joe Halper, an L.A. Recreation and Parks board commissioner, sent the following message to Circling the News.
“I suggest you alert your constituency of the opportunity to share their concerns and suggestions on the [Palisades] Recreation Center issues or other issues under the jurisdiction of the LA City Recreation and Parks Board of Commissioners. The information is below.”
The board’s next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 16.
Subject: Meeting Agendas – Early Notification System (ENS)
“Please advise everyone and anyone to register using the link below,” Halper said. “They will receive meeting agendas as soon as they are made available. The Agenda will have the participation information for the public.”
Harold Arrivillaga
Board Secretary
Department of Recreation and Parks
Office of the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners
Office: (213) 202-2640 or Cell: (213) 425-7857
221 North Figueroa Street, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90012