And the Stupid Award Goes to . . . .

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The home at this residence was destroyed by the Palisades Fire.

Many homeowners in the Palisades were unable to obtain traditional insurance and are on the Fair Plan. It is estimated that Pacific Palisades has one of the state’s highest concentrations of FAIR Plan policyholders, with the insurer estimating its exposure in the neighborhood of $5.89 billion.

After filling out and submitting all the required insurance information, a resident was told  an insurance check had been mailed.

After the Palisade Fire, all residents were directed to go to the Rancho Park Postal Center on Exposition to pick up their mail. Today, when that resident went to that post office location, she was told that her mail/check  had been delivered to her address in Pacific Palisades.

She told the postal clerk her home had been destroyed in the fire . . . .but indeed the clerk confirmed mail had gone to that address.

The resident drove to Palisades and opened the mailbox and there was the check and a yoga advertisement.

If you’re expecting a check or any mail, and haven’t seen it, maybe drive to your old home and see if you had mail delivery services – especially if you’re mailbox is the only thing left standing.

And when did the Postal Service resume mail service to the Palisades? No ones living there right now.

Although the house was destroyed, the mailbox and gate was left standing, so mail, including a check,  was placed in the mailbox.

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7 Responses to And the Stupid Award Goes to . . . .

  1. Amy says:

    So strange, when I was at the Rancho Park post office last week, there was a woman whose house had not been destroyed asking when mail service would resume and I overheard the postal worker say not for a long time because they wouldn’t resume until they could reopen the post office building.

  2. Janice L. Nordlinger says:

    Can we use expired passes to enter through Palisades now?

  3. Andrea Dyke says:

    Actually, I am Sue…in the highlands area miraculously spared any damage on Palisades Circle…all our utilities are connected…we are using but not drinking the water.

  4. Christine Odionu says:

    Went to the rancho park post office this past Saturday and a postal worker told a group of us that mail carriers would try and deliver mail to houses still standing and so it is true. just and FYI Sue

  5. Lisa Loptman says:

    On Saturday afternoon while I was picking up my mail at the Rancho Park PO the staff announced that many of the carriers were out delivering mail to homes in the Palisades. They stated the Rancho Park Post Office is running out of room for all the mail:(. They seemed to know based on the address which mail was on the way to be delivered but many there waiting were given their mail and packages.

  6. Sue says:


    At one point officials said that people who have passes (even expired) will be able to use them.


  7. John Alle says:

    Thanks. Your article prompted me to get off the sofa, go outside and check my home mailbox. I live in the Riviera section and accept for lots of soot ashes and looting one night when the power was off, I’m lucky our home is still standing. But my mailbox was completely full, even though I have been going twice a week to the rancho post office. Our home in the Huntington was completely burned to the ground and the only item let’s standing was a brick covered mailbox with beautiful red geranium. Everything else burned to the ground and brown and black. Even though the mail there have been transferred, that mail box was full as well.

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