Broken Bridge Unsafe for Homeless to Camp

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Homeless started living under a collapsed bike path bridge.

The cement bike path, that was part of the Marvin Braude Beach Trail Gap Closure Project, started to collapse in early February. Water ran under the bridge and took out the supports.

With the next rainstorm a few days later, the pathway itself collapsed onto the beach, closing the paved bike path at Will Rogers Beach. At the time Councilmember Traci Park posted a video on Instagram about the collapse.

L.A. County was also notified about the disaster, but nothing was repaired. The bridge and pavement are unstable. It is likely it could fall at any given time, making it a huge liability for anyone underneath the bridge.

On Monday, the Los Angeles Police Department beach detail discovered that homeless had moved in under the broken bridge. One man was taken into custody but returned under the bridge on Wednesday with multiple belongings.

Beaches and Harbor was notified, but told Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness former president Sharon Kilbride that “it was too dangerous for their crew to attempt a cleanup and that public works needed to clear it out.”

Worried about the possibility of the bridge collapsing on one of the homeless, Kilbride wrote: “I asked one of our unhoused folks that is working with PPTFH to remove all the debris from under the broken bridge and then we could have Beaches and Harbors pick up the items placed on the beach.”

Kilbride reported to L.A.County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath’s office that services were offered to the two individuals, who refused and ultimately “LAPD was able to convince them to take  belongings and leave.”

Three unhoused individuals worked with PPTFH to remove all the trash from under that bridge and dragged it to the beach for Beaches and Harbors to pick up.

One of the unhoused was particularly concerned about the trash, because he said, “there’s frogs in here” and was worried the wildlife would be hurt.

At that location, the estuary feeds into the ocean, so there is an environmental impact.

Beaches and Harbors came shortly afterwards and removed the trash from the beach.

This trash was cleared from under the bridge and needs to be picked up by Beaches and Harbors.

Kilbride told Horvath’s office “You need to get this area sealed up, so it is secure and not a danger to all.”

This area was cleaned, but needs to be sealed because of unsafe conditions.

That work to construct the bridge, which was a County/City joint powers agreement began in February 2022, and included the construction of a concrete slab bridge, removal and replacement of culverts. The funding was $2.2 million in an active Transportation Program Grant and $3.8 million in Los Angeles County Measure R Local Return Funds.

The bridge was opened in May 2023 and at that ceremony, Horvath said, “The Marvin Braude Trail is a Los Angeles County gem, beloved as a destination for pedestrians and recreation as well as a commuter corridor for cyclists. Los Angeles County has invested in making the path safer and more enjoyable for those on foot and bike.”

There has been no word on when the bridge will be reconstructed or where the money will come from.

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One Response to Broken Bridge Unsafe for Homeless to Camp

  1. Tony says:

    Has anyone noticed that the part of the bike path that failed was the NEW PART? Look at the photos. The “new part” was NOT AS THICK as the old part. Who was the contractor??

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