Forget 2022. CTN Looks to 2023.

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Wave goodbye to 2022 and look forward to 2023.

A journalist friend suggested that instead of looking back at 2022, CTN look to the future.

This editor thought it was a brilliant suggestion and dragged out her crystal ball, dusted it off, put on her blue-light blocking glasses and peered into 2023 for resolutions.

First, it must be acknowledged that Pacific Palisades is filled with critics, complainers and curmudgeons. Some of the people in town are also nasty gossips who are more than happy to spread rumors without checking to see if there’s some truth to what they are saying.

This editor suspects that this may be typical human behavior of people who don’t understand the joy that living can bring – or the peace one can find in simply doing a good job.

Unfortunately, the Internet, which I love by the way, has allowed everyone to be an expert and share hearsay with everyone. I am appalled by the lack of information that is constantly promulgated on social media websites.

For instance, the 881 Alma Real Building has been completed resurfaced and painted white. In the original plan, an outdoor space for coffee was proposed. How does CTN know? Did this editor read tea leaves, check a horoscope or consult tarot cards?

No. The project went before the Pacific Palisades Design Review board and was thoroughly vetted.

For everyone that expressed a negative opinion this past week about the renovation, why not become more involved in the community so you know what is going on? Design Review Board meetings are public and under the Brown Act, as is the Palisades Park Advisory Board, which brings us to the new Wolfberg Park.

Some people were extremely negative about the opening of the George Wolfberg Park at Potrero because “no one asked me.”  This editor’s first story about the park was probably in 2005, when I was assigned to cover the Potrero committee, which was also open to the public. Over the next few years, I wrote about the conflicts, the decisions and also the final document that went to the City.

Then, since 2011, this editor covered the numerous stories, including dedications, grading, dirt dumping, the cost overruns and the Friends Street gate conflict.

I won’t call those whiners “Johnny-come-lately” because it means that they became involved in an activity after it was already started, instead they should be called “Johnny missed-the-boat” because they weren’t paying attention when the project was being discussed.

The renovation of 881 was fully vetted during Design Review Board hearings.


Less gossip, less time on the internet and more time interacting face to face.

In addition to volunteering in local schools, which is where many parents focus their time, Pacific Palisades has a Community Council that meets twice a month and generally addresses topics that affects residents.

The Pacific Palisades Design Review Board meets regularly. Meeting quarterly are the Business Improvement District (BID) and two Park Advisory Boards (PAB), one at the Palisades Rec Center and one at the Rustic Canyon Rec Center – all are volunteers.

The Palisades Optimist Club and Rotary Club meet and have speakers and donate time and money to local causes.

The American Legion, Auxiliary and SALS meet monthly and support local nonprofits. There are active Democratic and Republican Clubs here.

The town has a Woman’s Club, an Historical Society, a Garden Club, Theatre Palisades (community theater), an Art Association, a Newcomers Club, P.R.I.D.E. and three environmental groups: Resilient Palisades, Temescal Canyon Association and the Palisades Forestry Committee. The Pacific Palisades Residents Association is also active and seeks participation, as does Friends of the Library.

The 4th of July parade organizers PAPA (Palisadian Americanism Parade Association) are always in need of volunteers.

For a New Year’s resolution, instead of vowing to eat less sugar and go to the gym, which is generally good for the first two weeks of January (at least in this editor’s case), join a club and volunteer in 2023.

This cream cheese cake with a rocky road crust, a loaf cake covered with ganache does not help New Year’s resolutions to eat less sugar – volunteer instead.


Stop pretending this town has an active Chamber of Commerce.

Why do we care? CTN does not want to lose the tradition of the Honorary Mayor, which was first established by the Chamber in 1951. We love actor/comedian/and just great guy, Eugene Levy who has served two terms. This editor’s fear is he will now have to step in and become king, because it appears there is no one to appoint a new ruler.

This editor understands this can happen, because in her early 20s she won the title of Miss Todd County and went to the Miss South Dakota pageant. Unfortunately, a subsequent contest was never held, so it appears the editor is still the reigning Miss.

Levy has a career that he probably wants to pursue when he’s not riding in parades.

CTN suggests the one Palisades group that could accomplish selecting and putting a new mayor in power, is one that is made up of people who live here and really care about the neighborhood.

These people are goal oriented and able to accomplish a community event that brings together a diverse group of people. They understand social media, they understand reaching out to local businesses. Yes, we’re talking the HO!HO!HO! committee. This is the group that should be tasked with finding a new mayor. When the Palisades Chamber of Commerce dropped the event in 2018, these volunteers stepped in and kept it going.

Palisadians who should be approached about becoming honorary mayor include Tom Hanks, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Adam Sandler and Jamie Lee Curtis. Or how about another co-mayor team of Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen. It is really too bad that Jennifer Garner moved to Brentwood, she would have also been incredible choice.

The HO!HO!HO! committee organized talent, donations and a visit from Santa Clause to keep a a long-time Pacific Palisades tradition alive, after the Chamber of Commerce dropped the event.                                       Photo: Rosalie Huntington 


It’s time to fill the Business Block Building. There are all sorts of rumors about a certain businessman owning it, but there have been no documents to substantiate the gossip. It’s time for the owner, Duesenberg Investment Company (TOPA Palisades) to not only add shops, but to also start attending Palisades BID meetings because the building is a historic focal point in the village.


Install ADA-handicapped bathrooms and a playground at the Palisades Recreation Center. If your nanny goes to the Rec Center, be aware they can’t take the stroller into the bathroom because there isn’t room. That means if your child is on the playground or in a stroller and the nanny has to use the facilities, your child is left alone or with other nannies.

Furthermore, the playground sand is beyond gross.

Resident Dick Littlestone suggested that parking revenue money be used to fix this curb, making it ADA accessible. It has never been fixed, although it has been reported.

It is also time to honor Dick Littlestone, and get an ADA sidewalk/curb next to Café Vida, on Antioch, installed.


Send your resolutions to and CTN will run a story on January 3.

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5 Responses to Forget 2022. CTN Looks to 2023.

  1. Lee Calvert says:

    Sue, thanks for speaking out – I miss our Palisades Chamber and all you mentioned… and I do hope with all my heart that the wonderful traditions are not lost .,..

  2. M says:


  3. 'joy' says:

    All great suggestions! If anyone should be mayor…. Who knows the Palisades better than our own author and publisher of CTN! However, I understand that there are only 24 hours in a day so she may understandably decline if asked to serve.
    Meanwhile, it is very disappointing that we no longer have a functioning Chamber of Commerce all to ourselves. Sharing the Malibu Chamber seems efficient but rather less focused on our town. Ho Ho Ho has stepped up admirably and should be proud of what they have achieved. They also have a full plate.
    I’d like to put in my 2cents for our Mayoral Candidates… I’m sure they are busy but I’d like to suggest Julia Louis Dreyfus and her husband, Brad Hall, be co-mayors. They are both lovely neighbors and there is a history of volunteerism in the family. If they were up for it, they’d be great.
    Cheers! and Happy 2023!

  4. Sylvia Boyd says:

    Good addition…really covered the needs of our community.

  5. barbara kohn says:

    Dear Editor

    Thank you for mentioning all the community groups that are in need of volunteers –
    It is my opinion that People move here because of the wonderful community feel – now it is time for those residents to come to the aid of those who have served and continued what previous volunteers left us.

    The Design Review Board is in need of a landscape architect, an architect, and a community member. We will be happy to turn over a copy of the Specific Plan to the volunteer or just check online to read it!! The other organizations are just as worthy so please step forward and volunteer – you will definitely gain more than you give!

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