A Woman’s Club grant helps the local parade association pay for 4th of July events, such as fireworks.
Although Covid-19 cancelled many annual events and traditions, the Pacific Palisades Woman’s Club did not stop in its philanthropic efforts. On July 27, local nonprofits were invited to stop by the clubhouse on Haverford Avenue to pick up a check.
Twenty-one organizations each received a share of the more than $6,000 that was raised through a fashion show and a few smaller events that took place before the Covid lockdowns began in mid-March 2020. In the past, the Woman’s Club hosted an yearly town garage sale, a Holiday Home Tour and a boutique that together generally raised $100,000 or more.

Kathy Dunbar Later is the Woman’s Club President.
Woman’s Club President Kathy Later told CTN, “We actually didn’t have an ‘event’ but rather invited a representative of the grants to stop by before our Board meeting to pick up their checks.”
Later said that this year’s recipients were selected basically from submissions from 2019. “There was no formal application process or presentation due to Covid.”
Daphne Gronich, treasurer for the Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA), said “Personally, I was pleasantly surprised, but also not surprised. The PPWC has always been very supportive of PAPA and the July 4th celebrations and has participated in the parade whenever possible.
“Given the pandemic year, we had no expectations for any grant awards and feel very grateful for the support we received from the PPWC.”
Once again, local schools were supported and grants went to Canyon Elementary Booster Club, Friends of Marquez (Charter Elementary), Palisades Enrichment Programs (Palisades Elementary), PRIDE Booster Club (Paul Revere Middle School), St. Matthew’s Parish School and Palisades Charter High School.
Nonprofits that support local youth receiving grants included Better Angels, Inc. (test tutoring for the underserved), Boy Scouts of America, YLC Ballet and Los Angeles Youth Orchestra.
Beautification support grants went to Malibu Orchid Society, Pacific Palisades Art Association, Pacific Palisades Garden Club and the Palisades Village Green Committee.
“The Village Green was definitely surprised, and of course pleased, to receive a grant from the Woman’s Club,” said Village Green Board Member Marge Gold. “We will apply the money toward unexpected landscape maintenance that comes up.”
Supporting health and well-being were grants to Palisades-Malibu YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness, Westside Family Health Center and Grief Haven.
Two additional grants went to organizations dear to the hearts of residents: Voice for the Animals and PAPA, which sponsors the annual Fourth of July celebration in town.
“Even in this past pandemic year, the Woman’s Club members found a way to raise our spirits by surprising the PAPA Committee with a generous grant in support of this year’s 4th of July activities,” said PAPA Board Member Rich Wilken. “It was a most appreciated gift that will be put to good use helping the Palisades community to once again share a sunny 4th with neighbors and our families.”

Village Green is a private park located in the heart of Pacific Palisades, and must raise money for maintenance. A Woman’s Club grant is most welcome.