(Editor’s note: In the July 14 Circling the News musing, NERVOUS ABOUT THE STACKED WOOD, we wrote: “Near the entrance to Temescal Gateway Park at Sunset, someone has stacked lots of dead branches in a tree, piling it up like kindling. This makes me nervous, because there have been ‘fire bugs’ who have started fires in this park. Can this be dismantled?”
CTN received a July 21 letter from Joyce Whitehead, who wrote:
On Tuesday, July 20, MRCA Staff Jamie Cabral forwarded a copy of a photo entitled, Nervous About the Stacked Wood.
As the manager of Temescal Gateway Park, I completely understand the concern and appreciate the information provided.
Temescal is a public park with an abundance of park patrons that can be quite creative. I do not know the park patron that created this work of art, but we find these “sculptures” in the park in various areas quite frequently. We do our best to dismantle them as soon as we see them.
Please note the attached photos, taken on Tuesday afternoon on July 20.
My title for the work of MRCA Staff Ricardo Hernandez and Bersabe Dominguez is, “Now You See It And Now You Don’t.”
Happy Summer Sue!
Joyce Whitehead, MBA
Conference Center Coordinator
Temescal Gateway Park
15601 W. Sunset Boulevard
Pacific Palisades, Ca. 90272
great before and after photos. thanks for taking care of this potential hazard.
LATE, BUT STILL, A BIG THANK YOU TO SUE and Staff Hernandez and Dominguez and the Center Coordinator. Great pix!