Palisadians to Discuss ‘Heroes of the Maze,’ a Diesel Bookstore Virtual Event Thursday Evening

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Join Pacific Palisades residents Tessa and Chloe Smigla as they discuss “Heroes of the Maze” at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 6, during a virtual story-time event. To register:  Click Here.

The sisters are the adopted children of Palisadians Lisa Robins and Terry Smigla. They attended Palisades Elementary and Paul Revere. Both attended Palisades High School, where Tessa is a senior. Chloe graduated two years ago and is now a sophomore at Chapman University.

Together, they founded “Include Each Other,” a multi-faceted initiative that believes all people have a right to equal treatment and employment opportunities. Its mission is to shine a light for equality for people of all abilities—through a diverse program of books, documentaries, public readings and movies.

Chloe completed her Girl Scouts Gold award and wrote a children’s book on gender equality, “Lena’s Quest,” with pages illustrated by artistic friends. The book is available on Amazon and can be viewed on her website:

Now sister Tess has penned “Heroes of the Maze.” She writes the book “features people of differing abilities as the heroes. It demonstrates that everyone can have heroic role models to inspire them and book’s characters use their differences and skills to save the day.” The book is illustrated and colorized by people of all abilities.

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One Response to Palisadians to Discuss ‘Heroes of the Maze,’ a Diesel Bookstore Virtual Event Thursday Evening

  1. Gail Kim says:

    Go Chloe & Tessa!

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