Outdoor Flu Clinic to be Held Oct. 10 & 17 at CVS

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Worried about going inside for a flu shot? CVS has partnered with the Pacific Palisades

Resident Association and the Edlen team to offer parking lot flu vaccinations from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 10 and 17 to offer free flu vaccinations.

There will be flu shots for those ages 6 to 64 and the high-dose flu shot is available for those over 65. Seniors many also sign up for the pneumonia vaccines (ages 65+).

To make an appointment, click on the link below.

Oct. 10 Appointments 

Oct. 17 Appointments

A resident must print and fill out the consent form, which includes personal information, insurance information and a short questionnaire. Provide your full first name and the first letter of your last name. For example, Amy M. Please sign and date.

If you have Medicare, please provide Medicare Part B ID Number.

Email completed consent form to pharmacist.amy20@gmail.com.

Arrive only a few minutes before your appointment time and please wear a mask.

Vaccinations will be on the upper parking lot.


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