The Pacific Palisades Community Council mostly meets online, now, which makes it easy for residents to participate.
Government starts at the local level, and everyone living in Pacific Palisades can vote for candidates to represent them on the Palisades Community Council. The election for representatives are held every two years.
Voting is online and residents are allowed to vote for the candidate in their area and for the at-large candidate (to see which area you reside go to click here). One can also read the candidate statements, to make an informed decision. Voting started on August 16.
To vote, go to the PPCC website and press the red vote button. Voting will continue for two weeks, concluding at 8 p.m. on August 30. The votes will then be counted by the Election Committee and the results will be announced at the September 12 meeting.
The next community council meeting will be via Zoom, at 6 p.m. on September 12.
President Sue Kohl wrote, “we hope you will attend meetings, participate in PPCC and follow our work in the weeks and months ahead.”
If a resident has never attended a meeting, it is easy to do with the Zoom app.
This community council has the “ear” of City, County and State representatives, so if a resident has an issue, this is the place to take it first. Regularly, Traci Park’s field deputy Michael Amster, County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath’s field deputy Zachary Gaidzik and Senior Lead Officer Brian Espin give reports at this meeting.
The PPCC was founded in 1973 and is an all-volunteer organization and is one of the oldest volunteer organizations of its type in Los Angeles. It served as the model for the current Neighborhood Council system.