Residents who have volunteered their time for the Fourth of July festivities are: (front row, left to right) Matt Rodman (PAPA President), Mary Martin, Marge Gold, Nancy Brennan, Daphne Gronich (treasurer), Grace Hiney and Morgan Genser.
(Second row, left to right) Susan Montgomery, Haldis Toppel, Andrew Frew, Rich Wilken, Bob Gold, Terry Dimich, Mike Kafka, Jeff Ridgway, Eli Nagle, Keith Turner and Joy Daunis
(Third row, left to right) Joan Sather, Ramis Sadrieh (secretary), Kimi Petrick, Kevin Niles, Kurt Bierschenk, Lee Calvert, Rosalie Huntington, Daniel Helfgott, Carolyn Haselkorn, Lorna Boyd, Janet Turner, Paul Nagle, Sylvia Boyd, Linda and Ed Le Blanc, Rabbi Yossi Eilfort and Lou Kamer
(Fourth row) Thomas (left) and David Sarell.
Photo: Bart Bartholomew
To Keep Patriotism and Liberty in the Spotlight
People from all walks of life, from doctors to artists to writers, are sought to help make the daylong Fourth of July celebration in Pacific Palisades successful.
Not only does the 5/10K Will Rogers Run need volunteers to help with recycling, cleanup and awards presentation, but the parade and evening concert need a massive number of volunteers, too.
There is a task or a place for any individual, no matter their occupation or skills.
When realtor Joan Sather was asked why she continues co-sponsoring the Home Decorating Contest, she said, “When I attended my first PAPA [Palisades Americanism Parade Association] meeting 10 years ago, I had no idea I would become so involved for this long.
“It has only been terrific,” Sather said, noting that it all starts with the PAPA meetings. “That’s where the real work of putting on our awesome parade happens. Volunteers discuss the parade lineup, who’s going to carry the various parade banners, who’s going to help out along the parade route, who’s going to organize the VIP luncheon.
“An unbelievable amount of detail goes into planning this awesome day in the Palisades,” she said.
When Marge Gold was serving as the town’s honorary fire chief in 2012, she was invited to the VIP luncheon held in the Methodist Church courtyard at noon on July 4.
The luncheon inspired her to come back the next year to help out. Seven years later she’s still assisting with the luncheon and décor and “anything else that is needed.”
Michael Kafka told Circling the News, “I started with PAPA three years ago when we moved here. That first year, “I was recruited by Sylvia [Sylvia Boyd who helps organize the volunteers] to control the parking under the Chase building.”
That year there was also panic on the PAPA committee because the insurance needed to hold the parade was being discontinued. “I have been responsible ever since then for getting the insurance we need for the event,” Kafka said. He’s branching out this year into another area where volunteers are needed.
“This year I will also be a cashier at the high school for a few hours [for the concert and fireworks].”
Starting in February, the PAPA committee meets monthly in order to orchestrate these events, and each committee member has a particular assignment, ranging from permits, insurance, security and traffic control to marching bands, celebrities, fundraising and the pre-parade luncheon.
Matt Rodman is serving his second term as PAPA president and is assisted by Daphne Gronich (treasurer and past president), secretary Ramis Sadrieh (also a past president), vice presidents Rich Wilken, Keith Turner and Rob Weber (past president).
If you would like to volunteer, email info@palisadesparade.org.
If you are interested in volunteering for the 42nd Annual Will Rogers Race, email admin@palisades10k.com. Brian Shea has headed that group of volunteers for years.