Volunteer Treasurer Sought for Homeless Task Force

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PPTFH in Need of a Treasurer

The Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness (PPTFH) has recently learned that its highly valued treasurer, who has served very effectively for the past three years, will leave that position effective November 30, 2022.

As this is an all-volunteer organization, a volunteer  is sought, someone who has Quick Books and Donor Box experience, is willing to contribute a few hours a week and has an interest in being an integral part of the PPTFH organization.

The nonprofit can be flexible in tailoring the job description and duties to the time and availability of the volunteer.

Please help us by circulating this special need and by asking those you know who may have the required skill sets. Of course, feel free to volunteer yourself!

A new treasurer is needed as soon as possible so that there is sufficient time for a reliable and effective transfer of duties.

Please contact Sharon Browning or Sharon Kilbride or Pam McGranahan by emailing info@pptfh.org .


The homeless in Pacific Palisades are offered help and not allowed to camp on lawns. If they do not want help, LAPD is helpful.

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3 Responses to Volunteer Treasurer Sought for Homeless Task Force

  1. Kim clary says:

    Thanks so much Sue for helping us look for a treasure. Really appreciate it.

  2. 'joy' says:

    Good morning, Sue,
    I tried to nominate someone for citizen of the year but have had no luck with the address posted in your story a couple of weeks ago and have had no luck getting hold of the Chamber, either. Any suggestions?

  3. Sue says:

    If one goes to the Pacific Palisades Community Council web site, all the information can be found on that page. The committee only took nominations through October 31–but there’s always next year.

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