The Village Green is a private park in the heart of Pacific Palisades that is maintained with donations.
Village Green co-president Cindy Kirven wrote in an August 28 email to CTN to remind residents that all members of the community own the Palisades Village Green.
“If you live in Pacific Palisades,” Kirven said “You are a member of the nonprofit called the Palisades Village Green Committee.”
The Palisades Village Green Committee is having its annual member meeting on Wednesday, September 13, at 5 p.m. at The Swarthmore Room, which is upstairs from the concierge on Palisades Village Lane, in Caruso’s community room.
Currently, the Green’s Board of Directors is composed of nine people, but three will be retiring this year.
According to the nonprofit’s bylaws, between nine and 15 directors are needed to manage the Green.
At the board meeting, six returning and five new candidates must be voted. If you are interested in becoming a Board member, please email info@palisadesvillagegreen.org and cc Kirven at cindykirven@aol.com.
“This is a valuable park,” Kirven said. “It is not owned by the City and it is the Heart of the community. So please come vote for the people who will make up next year’s Board of Directors to make sure it is operated and maintained the way you, the community, want it to be.”
Thanks again, Sue!