Abandoned homeless campsites, located in high fire severity zones in the brush in Pacific Palisades, were cleaned up through volunteer efforts of the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness.
(Editor’s note: After posting letters titled “Resident Asks City Not to House Homeless in Rec Centers” and “Update: Local Organizations Challenge City’s Plan to House Homeless at the Palisades Recreation Center,” Circling the News received 10 angry comments. Most accused Pacific Palisades residents of supporting Councilman Mike Bonin, who it appears has made Venice a living hell with the City’s homeless policies there.
The angry people writing CTN apparently don’t understand that Pacific Palisades went through a homeless crisis, but elected to act on its own, rather than depending on the City. We believe it would make more sense for Venice residents to emulate the Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness, and if they feel that Bonin is the reason their neighborhoods have gone to “hell,” then work to make sure he’s voted out in the next election.)
C’mon PP – in Venice, we’ve been taking your homeless population for years. Do your share!
The heck with that. It’s time you did your fair share. We pay taxes too, you are not special. Stop using Mike Bonin’s office.
You guys are so hypocritical it’s insane. For years, the Palisades and Brentwood have been the bulk of Bonin’s donors in District 11 to the tune of 50%, even though they are a mere 20% of the CD11 population, and he has paid them back by keeping all the homeless out of their neighborhoods and in Venice.
Now, you will have to host a mere handful of the homeless, and you’re up in arms? You all disgust me.
LOL! Getting a taste of what Bonin’s donors in the Palisades and Brentwood have wreaked upon Venice. Schadenfreude.
Can we the people of Venice start a petition rejecting your rejection? We have had quite our share of this horrific homeless problem, and it’s time other neighborhoods get to share the experience. Hopefully Bonin won’t be allowed to let you buy getting out of this.
If there is anything I can tell you, Venice has had their share and it’s not a fair share. We are looking like skid row on 3rd and Rose and along the Penmar golf course on Rose. We are inundated with ugly RV’s and vans parking in our neighborhoods, dumping raw sewage, some do much more. Why should we continue to endure this? Our cries fall on deaf ears when it comes to Bonin listening to our concerns. We are tired, we are stressed, and we demand change. We have a Bridge Housing which is a BIG problem. The homeless have no laws. Bonin and Garcetti tie LAPD’s hands, so we are basically on our own. We have been attacked, stolen from, stepped in feces and chock from the smell of urine daily, stepped on needles, and many awaken nightly because there is no one keeping them in order. They do drugs in front of us and our children. They have taken over our post office. Businesses go out of business because of this problem. People have been raped, shot and it never stops. We pay taxes too, we demand for change!!! So, can we start a petition to reject your petition!!!
The citizens of the Palisades must take a stand now to prevent the use of your rec center to house homeless people. Once Bonin gets a foothold in your area, he’ll continue placing other homeless sites.
I was wondering how I can volunteer to assemble cots, make gift bags, and write welcome notes. I thought it was so lovely that the Palisades residents came down to Venice to celebrate our shelter opening, and I wanted to personally return the favor.
Take a look at Venice and even parts of Mar Vista and Brentwood that are besieged with homeless encampments. Every. Single. Day. Isn’t it about time Pacific Palisades did something besides pay the city money to move their homeless elsewhere? Come on people, you are better than this.
Why are you refusing to post my comments? Because it doesn’t support your privileged view? Good thing I’m taking screenshots.