Jack Feldman, a member of the executive board of Water and Power Associates, an organization dedicated to educating the public, politicians and media on water and energy issues affecting Southern California, will be the speaker for Palisades Rotary on Tuesday, August 17.
Everyone is invited to hear his talk, “The History of Water in Early Los Angeles.” Registrants can join Zoom beginning at 5:55 p.m. and Feldman will speak from 6 to 6:30.
He worked at the DWP for more than 35 years and retired in 2006 as a senior manager in charge of the Power Engineering division. Over the last 12 years, Jack was responsible for putting together the W&PA website and virtual museum (visit: waterandpower.org/museum/museum). The museum is the largest of its kind, consisting of background information and more than 20,000 images related to the history of Los Angeles and Southern California. Visit: waterandpower.org.
Feldman makes presentations to historical societies and groups throughout Los Angeles County. His organization is not affiliated with the L.A. DWP. A July 2021 Newsletter that addresses a sustainable L.A. can be found at waterandpower.org/newsletters.
To join the Rotary meeting, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83331060755?pwd=aThYQmlFdWNPSW9Ta0dkTE5aNTVMUT09 Meeting ID: 833 3106 0755 and the Passcode: 294282