Traffic Slows Because of Rain-Related Incidents

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During the Monday rain storm, water was pouring off the steps at Palisades Elementary by Swarthmore Avenue.

Heavy Rains Cause Traffic Problems

There are reports of storm-related traffic problems in Pacific Palisades. Fallen trees have been reported on Sunset Boulevard near Will Rogers.

There was a traffic accident reported on Sunset Boulevard near Bienveneda around 5 p.m. One reader wrote about 45 minutes later, “I’m in a huge traffic jam because of a crash on Sunset east of Bienveneda. After a slow stop-and-go, cops are waiting until each car comes onto the crash scene before telling them to turn around. It would be a BIG help if motorists were forewarned before wasting all that time, not knowing the cause or location of this traffic jam until we finally make our way up to it.”

Additionally, a northbound lane of Pacific Coast Highway between Chautauqua and Temescal Canyon Road is flooded. Rush-hour motorists were required to merge into the second lane.

According to U.S. Weather Service, rain is expected to start during the Tuesday morning rush hour. Heavy rain is expected in the afternoon into the evening hours, and a flash flood watch has been put into effect, specifically around recent burn areas. Rainfall rates could measure about a half to one inch an hour.

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One Response to Traffic Slows Because of Rain-Related Incidents

  1. Phyllis Trager (formrly Phyllis Douglas) says:

    Thank you for all the updates! I’m loving this Circling the News!

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