Maryam Zar
New YMCA Board Chair Maryam Zar wrote in the Palisades-Malibu YMCA May 14 newsletter:
“This Y has a long history of great contributions from committed community members and I expect the years ahead to build on that tradition. I look forward to the year ahead and engaging all stakeholders.”
This summer the Palisades-Malibu YMCA is offering a free membership for teens ages 12 to 18. That membership will include access to all 26 branches. Those teens who have memberships will not be charged for the months that membership is free click here.
Youth and government will return in the fall. The program through the Y, teaches hands-on, how democracy functions, from writing legislation to participating in state government. Three conferences are planned and teens who think they may be interested, may fill out this form click here
Teens may also be interested in a teen camp that will be held from July 17 to 23. Financial assistance is available.
Finally, for older teens, who may be job hunting, summer camp counselors are needed. To apply, one must be 18 years or older. Compensation is $15 an hour.
The YMCA hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to noon and from 2 to 7 p.m. On Saturday, the gym is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and closed on Sunday. Refer a friend and if he or she joins, receive a three-month discount of 33 percent on the membership.
Three new classes have been added to the schedule.
Bootcamp with Todd at 8:15 to 9 a.m.
Cardio Kickboxing with Todd 9 to 9:50 a.m.
Strength and Conditioning with Garland 6 to 7 p.m.
New and old classes can be booked using the YMCA App.
The Y’s Food Distribution program continues on Thursdays and volunteers are sought. Help bag food from 10 to noon or give food out from noon to 2 p.m. Contact Palisades-Malibu YMCA Executive Director Jim Kirtley at jimkirtley@ymcaLA.org or call (310) 454-5591.

Volunteers at the YMCA, helped package food that was given to those in need.
Finally, for older teens, who may be job hunting, summer camp counselors are needed. To apply, one must be 18 years or older. Compensation is $15 an hour.
***The new rate is $16 an hour for Summer Camp Counselors 🙂