Memorial Day 2023 is behind us. Graduations from elementary, middle and high school are on the calendar for the next week. Pacific Palisades Baseball Association playoffs conclude on Saturday, June 3.
What does that mean?
Time to start planning for the Fourth of July. Three items on your to-do list: advertise, register and plan a float.
If your company or business would like to advertise in a publication that goes to every household in Pacific Palisades, the time is NOW.
This PAPA (Palisades Americanism Parade Association)-sponsored magazine returns all profits back to the parade. All other publications keep the money and do not contribute to PAPA, which annually needs to raise close to $200,000 for the parade and fireworks. Simple: when you advertise with PAPA you give back to the parade. (Contact: Jeff Ridgway at or stop by Jeff’s store Collections Antiques and Books at 15326 Antioch Street or call (310) 459-9692.)
If you haven’t registered to run in the 5/10K Will Rogers Run that gets underway at 8 a.m. on Independence Day morning, do it now. The price to register before June 5 is $55, after that date the costs go up. (Visit
Start planning to enter a float in the parade. The American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring two $500 prizes this year to the top float creations.
What? You don’t know how to make a float?
Don’t worry, resident Lou Kamer, who has become an expert on float building is here to assist.
“If you live in town, you, your family, friends and neighbors can design, decorate and ride on a float down the middle of sunset as everyone waves, cheers and smiles you on,” Kamer said. “It is the best view of the parade and something your family will never forget.”
He reminds everyone that “The parade is the largest annual gathering of the community and a great opportunity to promote, share and get support for community-based organizations.”
First, enter the float in the parade by contacting Second come up with an idea, purchase decorations (or make them) and then on Monday, July 3, Kamer said, “PAPA and the YMCA will once again help “floaters” to turn their ideas into reality by offering design & building advice as well as a community, family float building event at Simon meadow.
“There will be building experts on hand as well as games and root beer floats for the kids,” Kamer said. “Floats can be stored overnight at Simon meadow and escorted on July Fourth to the parade staging area on Via.”
Your nonprofit could win $500.
Is there some way we can get this article “out there?” Our church is looking for a way to join the parade, though not by float. I will forward the entire CTN to the head of our youth program but I’ll bet there are other churches, org etc. who wold be interested in this article.
Sylvia Boyd
I urge you to send it to everyone and tell them to do the same–maybe if enough people pass it along, it will get traction!