Women are invited to attend a wellness event “Think Pink.”
The Irene Dunne Guild, a support group of Saint John’s Health Center Foundation, created “Think Pink” more than 17 years ago as a way of educating women on important health issues. This year the annual event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, at the Upper Bel Air Bay Club.
The day will feature lectures, breakout sessions with physicians and speakers. Past topics have included healthy brain aging, addiction, urology, dermatology and breast health.
A luncheon will be held on the lawn of the club. There will boutique shopping, with net proceeds benefitting programs, equipment and services at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. Tickets are $150 per person. This year’s co-chairs are Susie DeWeese and Lorena Craven. For more information contact Esther Espinoza at Esther.Espinoza@stjohns.org or (310) 829-8262.
The Irene Dunne Guild is celebrating its thirty-fifth year as a major support group of Saint John’s Health Center Foundation in Santa Monica, California. The guild is comprised of more than 100 members, who are committed to putting their hearts forward to find innovative ways to fundraise, comfort patients, educate their community and nurture the mission of providing compassionate care. www.irenedunneguild.org