The Menorah Is Lit at Palisades Village

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Rabbi Zuche lit the first candle on the Menorah.


It was a cold, foggy night on December 19 in the Palisades Village. However, the hundreds of people crowded around the street just outside the Bay Theater would make you second guess your thoughts on the weather, what with all those warm smiles.

Those smiles were brought to us by the 37th annual Palisades Menorah Lighting, presented by the Chabad Jewish Community Center. The event began at 5 p.m., with family activities and a pre-show, which included live performances from the Palisades High School Band and Jason Mesches.

All attendees were treated to complimentary hot cocoa, latkes, and jelly donuts (all kosher, of course). Pali High Diplomats were on the scene to run activities, take photos, and hand out refreshments to hungry face after hungry face.

Geneva Reiss, a Pali Diplomat and sophomore, didn’t seem to mind the busy schedule at all, though. “It’s honestly super fun for us to work here. When you get to be a part of something that helps the community, it feels pretty great. Helps us get into the holiday spirit of helping others.”

Sam Lagana

At 6 p.m., the ceremony kicked off. Sam Lagana, famed Los Angeles Rams announcer, took the role of emcee for tonight as well, introducing each person as they came to the stage. Things started with a performance by the JEC children’s choir, who performed classic Hanukkah children’s songs like “Am Yisrael Chai”, in an adorably precious manner.

Next, Rabbi Zuche spoke on the moral of Hanukkah and his hope that “we will all find our own way to shine our light through the darkness.” Former local Nathan Hochman, recently elected Los Angeles District Attorney, also took the podium to speak on the power of the Jewish spirit. “I hope that we will stand by each other and be the lights in each other’s lives. It’s the Jewish spirit— the human spirit.” Attendees all took a moment to pray for Israel’s victory and the safe return of the hostages.

Former Palisades Honorary Mayors Janice and Billy Crystal took the stage next to introduce the evening’s cantor, Chayim Frankel, who sang a wonderful rendition of Yaseh Shalom.

Next was beloved community figure Traci Park, reaffirming her commitment to keeping the Palisades safe.

Rick Caruso came to speak at the end with a short message. “On behalf of the Caruso family, I wish each member of this blessed community a blessed holiday.”

Rick Caruso handed out packs of gelt.

Finally, Rabbi Zuche took an extremely long torch to light the first candle of the massive menorah in the middle of the stage, commencing the start of Hanukkah. The Crystals went next to light two candles. Traci Park stepped up next to light one. Rabbis from Chabad lit the next four. A snow machine blasted snow overhead, a “miracle in California,” as Rick Caruso lit the ninth and final candle. The children in attendance were treated to packs of gelt handed out at the stage.

Through the sea fog and December chill, the nine lights of the Menorah shone brightly, lights of hope for the Jewish people today as it was thousands of years before. Happy Hanukkah, Pacific Palisades.

Palisades Former Honorary Mayors Janice and Billy Crystal helped Rabbi Zuche with the Hanukkah celebration at the Palisades Village on December 19.

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One Response to The Menorah Is Lit at Palisades Village

  1. bt says:


    The first night of Hanukkah is DEC 25th this year, so why this now?

    I don’t see Christians etc celebrating Chrismas on the 19th?!

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