Max Steinberg has developed a website that connects medical personal with supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Palisadian Max Steinberg, 14, has developed a website (“Supply Chain”) that links medical professionals with people who are distributing personal protective equipment during the Covid-19 pandemic to doctors and nurses on the front lines.
Steinberg, who was home-schooled and is majoring in math as a freshman at Santa Monica College, told Circling the News: “I was inspired to create the site by a close relative, who is a doctor at a local hospital. I learned that my uncle was forced to wear an old scuba diving mask to keep himself safe because his hospital couldn’t get personal protective equipment. That’s when I knew I had to do something.”
Steinberg, a self-taught coder, constructed the website (visit: covid.structbuilders.com) using Ruby on Rails and Javascript. “By verifying medical professionals automatically, the site eliminates the possibility of fraud and gives donors direct access,” he said.
Steinberg hopes the word will get out about the website nationwide, so that medical professionals in every area of the country could register their specific needs.
Not only does the site help medical professionals, but it allows donors insight into ways they can help.
“If you are a nail salon, tattoo parlor, beauty salon, painter, construction worker, or real estate agent, you may not realize you already have the supplies the medical professionals need right now,” Steinberg said. Donors can find a list of needs in their area on the website.
Steinberg is the son of David H. Steinberg and Keetgi Kogan, who created the original Netflix series “No Good Nick” that starred Melissa Joan Hart and Sean Astin.
Kogan grew up in Los Angeles and attended UCLA before enrolling in USC’s Peter Stark Producing Program. Her husband grew up in Connecticut and entered Yale at age 16. He earned a law degree at Duke, but after four years in entertainment law in Atlanta and New York, he applied to, and was accepted by, the USC producing program.
The couple moved to Pacific Palisades in 2001 and have a daughter, Hannah, in addition to Max.