Long-time homeless resident Ruby who sleeps at the library, has been joined by a second and sometimes a third homeless man, who also sleep at the entrance.
Many people remember voting in 2016 for Proposition HHH, a $1.2- billion bond that supposedly would triple L.A.’s annual production of supportive housing by producing 10,000 units for the homeless. Many also voted for Measure H in 2017 (a sales tax measure to fund homeless services).
Today, of course, this challenge to build low-income housing is as fraught as ever and will be addressed by the next Pacific Palisades Task Force on Homelessness meeting on Monday, March 22, at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
The featured speaker at this public meeting will be Lewis C. Horne, president of CBRE Advisory Services, Pacific Southwest. CBRE (Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis) is the largest commercial real estate services company in the world.
Horne returns to speak to PPTFH about the successes and challenges of partnering with government agencies to build the amount of permanent affordable housing required to effectively address homelessness in Los Angeles.
He will describe activities tackled over the last two years, despite the complications in planning and budgeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Were other private-sector CEOs enlisted in the efforts to provide housing? Who provided funding and how was it used? Was housing built? What does the future hold? How is the public-private partnership working and how can the corporate community partner with elected officials to address these ongoing homelessness issues in the region?
Register at pacpalihtf@gmail.com.
The task force leaders write: “Attending our community meetings is encouraged and needed. It is a way to be involved, provide support to the growing PPTFH community-wide program and help address homelessness in the Palisades. Come and participate!”

Homeless encampments on Venice Beach have made it unsafe for residents and tourists.
Looking forward to attend the Zoom Meeting!
They’ve had to cancel–I’ll let people know in tonight’s musings. Interestingly enough, in today’s Daily News, controller Ron Galperin wrote about the problems with HHH.
Thank you for the information that Ron Galperin wrote about the problems with HHH. I believe Ron Galperin is LA’s City Controller. Didn’t he report in his 2019 audit that LAHSA was incompetent?