Support Revere by Running

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Paul Revere Middle School will host a 5K Fun Run at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 2. The course will go around the field and the school. The entry fee is $25.

Everyone running is urged to bring a friend and come dressed for running/walking or wear one’s most creative/silly/scary costume.

There will be music, raffles, prizes and snacks (coffee for parents). Beloved PE teacher Paul Foxson said, “It will be a fun morning and a great way to jump start the weekend.”

The event starts at 8:30 a.m. sharp, but people are asked to arrive at 8 a.m. for check in and to warm up with Foxson.

There will be prizes for the five fastest runners, the best individual costume and the best family costume.

The first 100 students to sign up will get a free 5K T-shirt.

And for Revere students there is an added bonus, all students who run or walk the course will get a “Mile Pass” for PE class. The P.E. class with the most participants will win a pizza party.

Questions? Email :

This event is being sponsored by the parent PRIDE Booster Club and the money raised will go back to the school. To register:

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