These young students were winners in a prior writing contest.
Actors Bill Jones and Christine Kludjian read the winning stories out loud at a ceremony.
If your kids are bored, or even if they aren’t, give them a challenge these next two months. Write something longer than a text message. LOL
The annual summer creative writing contest sponsored by the Palisades Friends of the Library is underway.
The theme this year is “The Best Day” and submissions will be judged on creativity, originality, effort, plot and theme. The top three entries in five grade categories (1-2; 3-4; 5-6; 7-8; and high school) will win gift certificates to Diesel Books: $250 for first, $100 for second and $50 for third.
The contest is open to all residents of Los Angeles or those who attend a school in Los Angeles. Entries may be short stories, essays, non-fiction articles, scripts, monologues, or poetry, and must be submitted by September 5. Contestants must write their entries during Summer 2023.
Contestants are limited to one entry not to exceed three pages (double spaced only) typed in font size 12. Pages must be numbered.
Misspelled words are acceptable for younger entrants. Entries which an adult has clearly written will be disqualified.
Each entry must have a completed entry form (visit: friendsofpalilibrary.org). Contestants may consult a dictionary, thesaurus, or other reference source; but they may not copy any published work. A non-fiction entry should have sources if necessary. Entries with profanity will be disqualified.
Entries cannot be returned and students are urged to keep a copy of his/her work. Contestants may not submit entries that have won prizes in other contests.
For questions, email: friends@friendsofpalilibrary.org.
The Friends of the Library is a nonprofit organization, which has supported the Palisades library through its regular book sales and its used bookstore located on the small patio at the back of the library.