Construction trucks and parking on both sides of the street make it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through on some Pacific Palisades streets.
While Also Allowing Fire Engine Access
According to the L.A. City regulation: no parking is allowed on a street if it is less than 18 feet wide. Parking is allowed on one side of a street if the street is between 18 and 25 feet wide. If a street is wider than 25 feet, parking is allowed on both sides.
Streets that were measured at less than 18 feet, where no parking should be allowed, included portions of San Lorenzo Street, West Rustic Road and Rivas Canyon Road.
The remainder of the 70 roads (compiled by Fire Station 69 firefighters and listed below), should only have parking on one side of the street in order to allow emergency vehicle access.
Fire Station 69 did not measure the roads in Castellammare, Paseo Miramar or the Highlands, because those roads are covered by Fire Station 23, but many of those narrow roads would also qualify for more limited parking.
- Bashford Street (from Monument to Chautauqua Boulevard)
- Carey Street (from Sunset to Chautauqua)
- Galloway Street (Bestor Boulevard to Drummond Street)
- Kagawa Street (Bestor to Chautauqua)
- Embury Street (Bestor to Carey)
- Fiske Street (Bestor to Sunset)
- Iliff Street (Bestor to Sunset)
- Drummond Street (Chautauqua to Sunset)
- San Lorenzo Street (from island to end of San Lorenzo)
- Channel Lane (Entrada to West Channel)
- Brooktree Road
- Greentree Road
- Ranch Lane
- High Tree Road
- Latimer Road
- Hill Tree Road
- Haldeman Road (and the loop)
- Rustic Lane (various portions)
- West Rustic Road
- Amalfi Drive (Mesa to E. Channel)
- Las Canoas Road (Las Pulgas to end)
- Las Pulgas Place (Las Pulgas Rd. to end)
- Donaire Way (Tellem Drive to end)
- Pequeno Place (Tellem to end)
- Merrivale Lane (Lachman to Glenhaven Dr.)
- Las Casas Place (Las Casas Ave. to Chattanooga Pl.)
- Chattanooga Place (Las Casas Ave. to Akron St.)
- Castac Place (from Las Casas Pl to Chattanooga)
- Chalet Terrace (from Chattanooga to end)
- Oreo Place (Las Lomas to dead end)
- El Medio Place (El Medio Ave. to end)
- Palisair Place (El Medio to dead end)
- Berea Place
- Oracle Place
- Chautauqua Boulevard (from 1424 to gate)
- Chautauqua (from 1230 to 1424)
- Goucher Street (from 1315 to 1368)
- Whitfield Avenue (from Chautauqua to Bestor)
- Whitfield (from Rimmer to Monument)
- McKendree Avenue (Bestor to 14931 McKendree Ave)
- Rivas Canyon Road (Sunset to the end)
- Evans Road (Sunset to end)
- Vance Street
- Bowdoin Street (Haverford to Via de la Paz)
- Carthage Street (Radcliffe to Haverford)
- Carthage (Mount Holyoke to Via de la Paz)
- Friends Street (Mt. Holyoke to Swarthmore)
- Friends (Swarthmore to Lombard Ave.)
- DePauw Street (Lombard to Earlham)
- Beirut Avenue (Via de las Olas to Mt. Holyoke)
- Radcliffe Avenue (Mt. Holyoke to Antioch)
- Junaluska Way (Almar to El Medio)
- Erskine Drive (El Medio to El Medio)
- Erskine (El Medio to Almar)
- Temecula Street (El Medio to Almar)
- Miami Way (Erskine to Almar)
- Wynola Street (Erskine to Almar)
- Arbramar Avenue (Asilomar to Miami)
- Ysidro Place (Wynola to Arbramar)
- Baylor Street
- Las Casas Avenue (Marquette to Las Casas)
- Marquette Street
- Pintoresca Drive
- Grenola Street
- Bienveneda Avenue (Sunset To Las Lomas)
- Bienveneda (from 550 Bienveneda to end)
- Las Lomas Avenue (Sunset to Las Lomas)
- Palmera Avenue
- Wildomar Street
- Temecula Street (Wildomar to Almar)
- Miami Way (Muskingham to Almar)
- Muskingum Place
- Wynola Street
Looking at the Alphabet streets’ original 1922-25 survey for Tract 9300, with very few exceptions, these streets are all marked as 50′ wide or greater, with lots at the lower end near Carey/Embury/Fiske being about 40-45′ x 130′.
A 1985 version still shows these streets as 50′ wide. I just measured Fiske at exactly 24′ from curb to curb. I have to wonder, how did that happen?
LAFD says,”“Ask yourself: What’s more important, a parking space – or your house – or your life?” Those aren’t the only choices.
Your previous article says it must be over 25′ for parking on both sides and I just measured Fiske, already restricted for LAFD access, at 24′ . It looks like simply moving the curbs back 6″ would give some of these streets that extra foot or so needed to allow parking on both sides. I wouldn’t mind if they removed even more. Sure it would be a huge, expensive, pain-in-the-backside to do, but it wouldn’t last forever. After all, what’s more important, your parkway width or your life AND parking?
Thanks for publishing this Sue, very interesting. What is missing is if FS 69 is going to request that some of the streets listed currently don’t comply with the safe transit of fire trucks. Are they going to do anything. I remember a couple of times when fire trucks could not get south of the 600 block of Bienveneda. Large SUVs/trucks parked on both sides. If regular cars, they can and do get thru.
DePauw is ridiculously dangerous. Not only for emergency vehicles but for everyday drivers. Construction has run amok with 3 more 10000 sq ft homes slated to start construction in the next few weeks where it intersects with Earlham. Thanks, Sue for finally bringing this to the public’s attention. Large construction trucks using Earlham to access DePauw for they can’t fit down DePauw.
A huge hazard We now currently have are the large flatbed trucks and construction/contractor vehicles blocking the roads in the Earlham, de Pauw , Friends, Lombard area where numerous (9?) houses are going up or undergoing renovation . I’ve had to back down a street multiple times for an oncoming truck and was almost late for an appt in the village when I had a flatbed in back of me and and an oncoming one in front of me boxing me in. Almost abandoned my car to run to my appt. No way a fire truck or paramedic could make it in. Some of these vehicles are also blocking the curbside numbers when they park. I have an elderly mom with me so want to make sure those vehicles can get in when we need them.
Please understand that right now there is so much construction with trucks parked across from each other, it’s difficult. But without construction, with just cars parked, at least on my street, it’s fine. Also it isn’t a good situation for people who live on the side of the street that parking is allowed! That’s not fair unless each year they switch sides. My friend lives on Embury and there are cars in front of her house all the time! So needless to say, let’s just all be more mindful and if we’re in construction, manage your workers so they don’t park across from another big vehicle.