Clinical psychologist Silvi Winthrop will be the speaker for the Tuesday, January 7 Optimist Meeting, held at Janes Hall in the Presbyterian Church, 15821 Sunset Boulevard.
Prior to the meeting, food is served at 9:45 a.m. and Winthrop will speak at 10 a.m.
Winthrop, who graduated from the University of Santa Barbara with a degree in sociology, received a teaching credential from California State University at Long Beach. She taught second and third grade and said she loved being a teacher.
With the birth of her children, she became a stay-at-home mom. During that time she attended a retreat and learned how to meditate. After raising her children, she decided to study and become a certified meditation and mindfulness instructor.
Winthrop began to teach mindfulness at corporations, to women’s groups, kids, and individuals. After four years working as a meditation and mindfulness instructor, she entered Pepperdine University to complete her master’s program in clinical psychology.
She graduated in 2022, and uses mindfulness techniques, which includes breath work in counseling. She has taught mindfulness at the Palisades Library, “Mindful Mondays” and is highly sought after as a health and wellness speaker.
All are welcome to attend to hear Winthrop and also to learn more about the Optimist Club. A reminder for people attending the meeting, please park in the lot closest to Sunset Boulevard to ensure there is no impact on the preschool drop off area.
There is an optional zoom meeting: Meeting ID: 895 8380 5332
Passcode: 057980