A woman took an a.m. exercise class in Jerry Blank’s studio on July 19. The teacher and two other students started bemoaning that because of Trump “democracy was ending.” One of the women exercising asked, “could we just keep politics out of the exercise class?”
The two students charged the woman, one tried to punch her, another told her to “f*ck” off and gave her the finger. The teacher told the woman who asked that politics be left out of an exercise class, “this is a private class, go f*ck off.”
The woman who was targeted said, “They ran me out of the class, screaming f*ck off.” The woman contacted Blank and told him that she was basically chased out of the studio.
Blank later went to the studio and the teacher said that “it was very ugly and that the women were cursing at the victim.” Blank said no one is allowed to curse at people in his studio.
Editor’s note: there is no excuse for violence because of political views. If you are so insecure in your beliefs that you cannot tolerate another person’s viewpoint, then you need to reexamine what you stand for. I’m also tired of people justifying their anger by blaming it on a political figure they’ve never met. Take responsibility for your own actions, don’t blame it on a politician. Be better than the person you now appear to be emulating.
This morning, July 23, around 8:30 a.m. on Galloway Street, two cars had both parked near the corner of Carey. A black car had parked in the red in front of a fire hydrant, another car had parked legally directly across from it. That meant the sanitation worker could not go down the street with his truck. He backed the truck up, parked it and went from house to house looking for the owner of the black car. Several neighbors came out to try and help him. Finally, one was able to get the keys to the legally parked white car and move it down the street, allowing the truck to continue on about 30 minutes later. No one ever found the owner of the black car parked by a fire hydrant. Kudos to the sanitation worker, he could have just skipped that block.
The fire department has long noted that when cars are parked on both sides of the Alphabet Streets, it is sometimes impossible to get fire-fighting apparatus up the block. The logical thing to ensure sanitation and fire trucks can get through is make it illegal to park on one side of the street, like has been done on Embury.

The black car was parked in the red in front of a fire hydrant, which did not allow enough room for a sanitation truck to go down Galloway.
A man went up the political vendor that sets up in front of Ralphs and told him to get out of there that we didn’t need his kind in town.
Editor’s note: Just a reminder that anyone can purchase a $27 venders license from the County and can set up a stand anywhere, according to a recent lawsuit against the City. You may not like someone’s political views, but to not allow them to express their viewpoint, it means you don’t support democracy or the First Amendment. This editor finds someone threatening a vendor, extremely scary. You want to run a “business” out of town? Don’t shop with them.
When President Joe Biden, through a Sunday letter said he would not run again for President, CTN ran his letter. CTN generally covers state and local news, but since Vice President Kamala Harris is a Brentwood resident, this editor wanted to have a brief historical account of Biden’s decision.
Unfortunately, I also received several comments, most not really nice or helpful about the national political scene, which I did not run. Of course, national politics is exciting, covered by all news media, which makes it easy to have a viewpoint. This editor would encourage people to take an even greater interest in the District Attorney’s race between George Gascon and Nathan Hochman; Proposition 36, which would repeal much of Prop. 47; ensuring County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath clears out RV’s along PCH to help keep the oceans clean; and figuring out why almost none of the money spent on the homeless has helped. (Who has benefitted from the money?)
“He backed the truck up, parked it and went from house to house looking for the owner of the black car.”
Nice. In our are of the Via Bluffs where people do the same thing (park illegally, especially worker trucks) our sanitation guy(s) just put their hand on their horn and honk continuously! Sometimes for minutes on end!
PS Do you know how one can request corners to be painted red so cars can’t be parked there? Don’t know where to start.