An RV explosion took out Spectrum services.
Who doesn’t love a good mystery?
It started with the cancellation of a Zoom yoga class, when teacher Alison Burmeister called students and told them she did not have Wi-Fi.
Then Circling the News was alerted that there had been another RV explosion along Pacific Coast Highway, just south of the main lifeguard tower (near Potrero Canyon), around 2:30 a.m. The person in the RV survived.
What didn’t survive was the internet, and CTN learned that Spectrum was out in many parts of Pacific Palisades.
Another reader added, “This appears to be affecting all Spectrum services west of Temescal, including Spectrum telephone, Internet, TV and dedicated fiber service.”
That could explain why all the free Wi-Fi areas in town, such as Estate Coffee and Starbucks, were wall-to-wall computers this morning and into the afternoon.
Since many residents are still working from home and have to attend Zoom meetings, they left the west side of the Palisades in search of computer outlets.
A reader said, “This is a unique vulnerability of Spectrum service, as it is almost completely overhead on fiber lines all the way to the other side of Santa Monica.”
He said there is no fiber redundancy west of Temescal Canyon Road and that the fiber for a cell carrier appeared to be damaged as well.
“If this happens during a disaster, residents can expect weeks of this,” he warned.
Agatha Christie mystery solved: no yoga because of exploding RVs and no fiber backup for Spectrum customers.

This RV exploded on Pacific Coast Highway just south of lifeguard headquarters.
What caused the RV to explode?
I don’t know–I’ll stop over at one of the fire stations in town and ask if they have any ideas.