Readers Write:

Cathay Palisades owner David Leung is looking for a new location for his restaurant.
One reader had a suggestion to avoid the imminent closing of Cathay Palisades, a long-time family restaurant, in this high-priced town.
“If Mr. Caruso is so intent on becoming the mayor of Los Angeles, why doesn’t he put his money where his mouth is and offer a space in his Palisades Village for the restaurant?” the reader wrote.
“Cathay serves many here who cannot afford the new village or, for reasons of choice, want a more “casual” place for families to dine or for takeout. The town’s sole Chinese restaurant provides that option.
“Isn’t that what Caruso needs to do throughout the city? Be attentive to the wishes, needs of all? He could be making a grand gesture with this, good for him and best, good for the community.
“I’ve been thinking about this before today but there is an op-ed by Nicholas Goldberg in today’s LA Times (May 9) that seems right on point.” click here
In helping the Palisades Americanism Parade Association promote the 4th of July Parade theme, CTN printed themes from 2002 through 2021, but noted themes missing from 2006, 2007 and 2008.
A reader, Karen wrote: “I can fill in the blank for the parade theme for 2006, ‘Celebrating America: Proud, Strong and True.
“I wrote the theme but didn’t find out it had been chosen until I saw the fire truck go by in the parade with a banner announcing it was the theme.
“Normally the person who wrote the theme would be riding on the fire truck, and my kids were young at the time — so I remember the excitement that my submission was picked as well as the disappointment that the kids weren’t on that fire truck! Not sure why there was a snafu, but we did get to ride in a carriage in the next year’s parade, definitely fun!
“So, I guess it’s not surprising that theme was hard for you to track down,” Karen said.
(Editor’s note: A big thanks to Karen for help with 2006. CTN is still looking for the themes from 2007 and 2008.)
A single car crash did damage to the median between Radcliffe Avenue and Temescal Canyon Road. One reader wrote that if the car’s owner could be located, an insurance claim could be sent to the insurance company to receive reimbursement for the plants and median damage. “It is an easy procedure,” the reader wrote.

This car did damage to a planted median between Radcliffe Ave. and Temescal Canyon Road.
Regarding the May 5 story “Laughter is the Secret: Emily and Jerry Mayer, Married 69 years” a reader wrote: “What a sweet article and that photo of the Mayers is fantastic.
“Well done, journalist Laura Abruscato,” the reader said. “This lady deserves a hero’s VIP welcome.”

Emily and Jerry Mayer have been married 69 years.
After printing issues with solar energy in May 10 musings one reader wrote, “You sound like a shill for the fossil fuel industry. Continuing fossil fuel utilization at current rates has vastly worse adverse effects than the issues you cite.”
CTN is not a shill for the oil industry but points out that often people are given simple choices – talking points – for complex problems.
CTN does not support using forced or child labor to mine rare earth (RE) materials in foreign countries. RE are used in most solar products or electric cars. Another solution has to be found, whether it is mining and refining in the United States for those materials – or an entirely different source of power is found.
I find it interesting that so many people comment on various platforms believing that Caruso would do any favors for local Mom & Pop businesses. Does it look like he cares about the PP outside of his development? It’s changed the entire vibe of our once down to earth town. Don’t hold your breath that he would care about any one – two or three business owners being driven out by the “mall effect”. The real question is why should he be mayor of Los Angeles when he doesn’t care about the little guy one iota. Stop asking if he can help these original businesses. He won’t and start asking who you are voting for for Mayor of Los Angeles.
I am surprised that people still cite Caruso concerning the Out of Towners Country Club that is the Palisades Village. He saw that it was a loser long ago and sold out with a deal to be the face of the gauche arriviste travesty.