There are three different paint shades in the white stripe on the historic Business Block Building. The Design Review Board will meet on October 28 to discuss colors.
The Pacific Palisades Design Review Board will meet on Zoom next Wednesday, October 28, to finalize its recommendation regarding what color to paint the historic Business Block building in the heart of town.
The DRB has been working with TOPA (owner of the “Pink Building”) and Gensler, the design firm hired by TOPA, ever since Gensler representatives presented their proposed plans to “refresh” the exterior of the iconic 1924 Spanish Revival building back in July.
Initially, Gensler presented the building painted white with black and white awnings. The DRB suggested that the “updated modern look” did not fit with the building’s historical background. The firm went back to the historic photos of the building and returned for a second DRB meeting on September 24, presenting a different look.
TOPA officials were clear that they wanted to work with the town and the DRB, but that they also had to take into consideration the commercial aspect of renting to tenants who favored a more contemporary look. (Circling the News reported on this: https://www.circlingthenews.com/admiration-for-historic-business-block-building-underlies-a-cooperative-drb-hearing/).
Gensler presented three color choices and agreed to paint samples on the building for DRB members to personally view. At the September meeting one of the choices was described as cream with a nod towards pink.
Circling the News presented a photo of the three color choices and received the following comments from readers:
* “I really think it’s such a mistake to change the [bright] pink. The pink is so iconic and happy. It’s memorable! The peach will look dirty, especially next to bright white Caruso.”
* “The darker color on top is the closest to the current and the best!”
* “Why are they changing the color of the building? Most people love it the way it is and to the best of my knowledge, it has always been this color. It goes well with the architecture and makes it stand out. It will become just another boring white/beige building (don’t we have enough of those?) if the color is changed. Color brings joy. Leave it alone!”
* [Joking]: “I like the color on the left of the white stripe.”
* “The color on the wall above the awnings is still the best choice.”
Resident Marge Gold told CTN that the name of the paint color had been written in pencil above the color.
Next week’s DRB meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom and is open to the public, with public comment allowed. To attend, go to https://planning-lacityorg.zoom.us/j/84259995277. Password: 522075. Go to link above and enter password when prompted. Or join by phone: +1-213-338-8477 or +1-669-900-9128. Webinar ID: 859 9703 5214. Dial one of the phone numbers listed above. You will be asked for a Webinar ID, enter “970 8576 7528” followed by “#” (pound sign). You will be asked to enter a participant ID, enter “#” (pound sign) to continue. Then you will then be joined into the webinar.
I love the pink!! The white is too blah. The pink is happy and beachy at the same time!
DRb is out of touch . Let the owners pick unless the color is egregious. Shame on DRB.
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. It’s a piece of history. It’s what makes our village unique.
The white paint is terrible. Stay with the pink.
I like the building the way it is. The pink is lovely.
THINK PINK!!! I am not a fan of white washing (or orange washing) this lovely, happy building…please leave well enough alone!
Pink all the way with the green awnings. Why o why is there always a need for change, even if the change is not the best. What’s with contemporary or out-of-date. – the owners of the building are out-of-date. What we have now is one that makes a statement – if painted white with black awnings, it will be just another dull bldg. that no one will notice.
Any version of white is a great choice!
The 3 new “color” choices are on the White/Off White charts of all my paint kits- Sherwin Williams, Benjamin Moore, Pittsburg, etc. Please stay with perfect pink! It hits all the right notes. Don’t whitewash our history (again). Thank you!
PINK……. why change the color when its lovely? White and Black awnings is DULL and ruins the integrity of that beautiful old building.
People love the building as it is. I know I do!
Dozens of community members have weighed in on Nextdoor that they prefer pink. Personally I do too! As others have said, please building owners, think pink!
White is hideous. Makes the building look old instead of stately. The pink is its identity and the perfect color. I don’t understand the thinking that the color has to change to be current or relevant.
Change for the sake of change is silly. The white ages the building, the pink is proud and stately. Keep the pink!