One of the largest contributors to Prop. 1 was AFL/CIO. President Chris Hannan said the investment was worth it. “Trades members are well-skilled and positioned to help the state build out the mental health facilities as well as the housing.”
On the California Official Voter’s guide, one can see which corporations/unions support Prop. 1, which is ostensibly for Mental Health Services and Veterans’ Care.
That proposition supports “housing first,” which means building housing where people might get mental health, drug and alcohol treatment, but does not specify, nor fund specific rehab programs. If passed, it would actually take away mental health care currently done by counties.
Proponents for this act urge people to pass it because it will help homeless veterans.
Veterans are already covered under the VA.
As one person wrote on Nextdoor, “I am a combat veteran . . . Every veteran, who has not been dishonorably discharged, receives very generous benefits, including four years of free education or schooling, low-interest home loans, and health care, including mental health. They also receive $500,000 life insurance, support for veteran-owned businesses, disability pay for service-related injuries or illness, and free burial. . . .So if the Federal government provides all these benefits to veterans, why should California taxpayers take on the additional burden?
“I am sick and tired of politicians exploiting veterans in order to entice voters to approve unwise measures,” the resident wrote.
Below are the organizations/unions who financially support this Proposition. If passed, this proposition will add $6.38 billion to the state’s $80 billion bond debt.
The top ten Prop. 1 contributors include: the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria ($1.5 million); Members’ Voice of the State Building and Construction Trades of Council of California ($1 million); California Correctional Peace Officers Association Truth in American Government Fund ($1 million); Kaiser ($1 million); and California Hospital Committee on Issues Sponsored by CAHHS ($1 million).
Rounding out the top ten are Northern California Carpenters Regional Council Small Contributor Committee ($667,000); United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America ($667,000); Western States Regional Council of Carpenters Issues Committee ($667,000); Service Employees International Union Political Education and Action Fund (SEIU PEA) (MPO) ($500,000): and Blue Shield of California ($300,000).
Also, Supporting Prop. 1 but with lesser amounts were PG&E Affiliated ($250,000); Ca. Medical Association Physicians’ Issues Committee ($250,000); Neighbors for a Better San Francisco Advocacy ($205,200); Sempra formerly Sempra Energy ($105,000): and Edison International & Affiliated Entities ($100,000).
How much money was raised from construction unions and utility companies to urge residents to Vote No on Prop? According to the site, “No committee opposing this ballot measure raised enough money to reach the reporting threshold for this list.” https://fppc.ca.gov/transparency/top-contributors/mar-24-primary.html

Gregory Sarris, the tribal chairman. of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, which owns the Graton Casino in Sonoma County. The tribe gave $1.5 million. Some dispute whether Sarris is actually Native American. The tribe receives special programs, such as a casino because of the status as Indians. In 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Sarris to the UC Board of Regents.
Thanks Sue, you confirmed one of my decisions and made me think hard about another one. The Vets angle gets me every time…sometimes unnecessarily. I do know they are very well covered. Sylvia Boyd