Developers would like to turn this single story building into a five-story mixed use building.
The L.A. City Planning and Land Use Committee will rehear plans for a controversial project to be built at the former Jack-in-the-Box site (17346 Sunset Blvd.) at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16 in a virtual meeting.
At the prior hearing on January 13, which also began at 2 p.m., the meeting proceedings could not be heard by the public.
Circling the News contacted City Planner Nick Vasuthasawat by email that day and he responded with a 2:40 p.m. email: “Please stay on the line. There are audio issues occurring right now.”
CTN responded: “People who tried to get on may think the hearing has changed, since there was no audio.”
At 2:46 p.m. CTN emailed Vasuthasawat again, “Still no sound.”
He responded at 2:59 p.m. “Meeting is currently ongoing. Please contact PLUM staff for technical support. Leyla Campos – Legislative Assistant (213) 978-1078.”
I responded at 3:01 p.m. “I did call her; she is not responding.”
Around 3:15 p.m., the sound came on and public comment was being heard. The Commissioners then heard item 16 and 17. That meant that anyone finally able to access the meeting may have thought that since there were 18 items on the agenda, they had missed the earlier items.
CTN filed a Brown Act violation. Vasuthasawat told CTN in a February 9 email: “On 1/13/21, the City Council remanded the item back to the PLUM committee to be reheard due to information received from members of the public to Clerk Staff expressing difficulty in accessing the meeting as well as an error in the notification period. You can confirm with City Clerk staff on their formal recommendation.”
Palisades residents will now have a chance to be heard on this project, located just north of Pacific Coast Highway. The owner proposes to build a five-story, 60-ft.-high, 32,225-sq.-ft., mixed-use building. This would include 39 dwelling units and 2,900 square feet of commercial use; 49 parking spaces located in one subterranean level; and a retaining wall. Construction would require 11,500 cubic yards of grading and a haul route to export of 10,700 cubic yards of dirt.
This project, proposed by Michael Aminpour, California Food Managers, LLC and Heavenly Tiger LLC, has been opposed by the Pacific Palisades Community Council (PPCC), the PPCC Land Use committee, the Pacific Palisades Design Review Board, the Pacific Palisades Residents Association, the Edgewater Towers Condominium Association and many residents in town. It received approval from the City Planning Commission after it was told there was no low-income housing in Pacific Palisades, which is untrue. This project will have four apartments for low-income.
Councilman Mike Bonin of CD 11 will now have an opportunity to weigh in on this project and let his constituents know if he is for or against the project, which violates the Palisades specific plan.
Members of the PLUM committee include: 1. Bob Blumenfield (Council District 3) councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org 2. Marqueece Harris-Dawson (Council District 8) councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org 3. Curren Price (Council District 9) councilmember.price@lacity.org and 4. John Lee (Council District 12) councilmember.lee@lacity.org.
The audio for this meeting is broadcast live on the internet at www.lacity.org/government/follow-meetings/council-committee-meetings.
Residents who would like to offer public comment can call 669-254-5252 and use Meeting ID No. 161 644 6631, then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak. If you are unable to telephone-in at this meeting, you may submit your comments in writing to the City Clerk, Room 395, City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012 or submitted at: LACouncilComment.com.
In addition, you may view the contents of Council file No. 20-1302 by visiting: www.lacouncilfile.com.

The Pacific Palisades Community Council was one of several bodies, who opposed the proposed the five-story, Jack-in-the-Box replacement.
Photo: L.A. City Planning
Sue: May I share this info with others, by cutting & pasting from this article of yours ?
Thank you
You are to be commended for forcing the City Council to properly conduct “public” meetings. But realistically, is there any hope that anything will change? Has the PLUM committee EVER failed to approve a development project? Has our “wonderful” Councilman ever supported constituents who had valid reasons to oppose a development project, such as the huge project in the Highlands? Has our Councilman ever supported the Palisades Design Review Board? Police, fire, and city maintenance people I’ve come in contact with all seem to be dedicated, conscientious individuals but our elected officials, with the notable exception of our former Councilman Bill Rosendahl, are unimpressive.
Thank you, Sue, for filing a complaint, accusing the Planning and Land Use Committee of violating the opening meeting law — the Brown Act. That’s a service to the community!
Absolutely. I love when people share my stories and the information, I just asked they credit Circling the News. Thanks.
Time to fight. If you and everyone you know sends an email to everyone on the PLUM committee telling them your feelings, I think it could make a difference.
Also contact Durrah Wagner (durrah.wagner@lacity.org), she is Councilman Mike Bonin’s field deputy and ask her what her Bonin’s position is on this project. Have him go on record–that way when he runs for office again, and most likely he will, people can be reminded of what he stood for.
I would like someone to explain why the huge development that covers the entire hillside across from the Jack-in-the-Box on Sunset was built without much objection from the community. In comparison, this much-smaller project is getting much more attention. Why?
The Edgewater Towers were built before the specific plan was put in place (and Palisades Highlands). Additionally, the last three fires that have prompted evacuations from the Palisades and Malibu have highlighted how difficult it is to get out of Pacific Palisades with only three roads in and out–Sunset, Temescal and Chautauqua–adding most likely another 80 cars trying to get out will not improve the situation.
The massive condo development located behind the Bay Club at 17383 West Sunset Blvd covers the entire hillside, across Sunset from the Jack-in-the-Box (NOT Edgewater Towers). Very little attention was paid to that project, which was built fairly recently. Anyone know why it was approved without much fanfare? The access road runs up the hill between Juicy Ladies & Bay Club fitness.
The project was fought for decades by residents. One could ask the City why it was finally approved–and another question — how many units are still vacant and if there is an evacuation, how easily will people be able to leave?