Pastor David (left) and Pastor Kenneth Davis (center) vie for the grand prize on ‘The Price is Right’ Showcase with host Drew Carey.
Pastor Davis Wins Trip with KISS band
Palisades Lutheran Church Pastor Kenneth Davis was $299 away from winning the final showcase on “The Price is Right” Monday morning, February 4, on CBS. He shared a large amount of screen time with host Drew Carey and the rock band KISS.
The episode was taped in December, but Davis was sworn to secrecy about the results, and could not reveal if he had won any prizes.
Many Pacific Palisades residents have tried to make it to the “Come on down” bidding stage on the “Price is Right.” They arrive in the early a.m. hours and wait in long lines to be interviewed by show staff, and then hope to be selected for the show. Only a select few, like Davis, make it.
Davis was asked by email, “Why did you decide to go on the show?”
He answered, “I actually took a friend who was in town visiting, in the hopes that she would be selected. . . . And look what happened!”
Davis was called “on down.” On the second bidding opportunity, he came the closest to the price and was invited onstage with Carey.
Davis was asked about his bidding strategies. He said, “I have always been a fan of the show, and I know some of the strategies in playing the games. I have also always been good at estimating the price of things.”
The prize he was trying for became apparent only after the four members of KISS were introduced to screams and cheers from the audience.
Davis’ prize if he played the game right: joining KISS on a show tour, which included flying on the band’s personal jet, from Los Angeles to Louisville for a concert, then to Detroit (staying at the Crown Plaza), and then back to L.A. The prize was valued at $12,977.
Davis played the Alpine game, in which he had to guess the value of three separate items. If the total difference between the prices and his guesses was less than $25, he would win the KISS tour.
The first item was a KISS vinyl record. Davis guessed $30: the price was $25. The second item was a hair crimper. Davis guessed $35: the price was $30. For the final item, a shower speaker, he guessed $42: the price difference was $2. Davis won his trip with KISS.
Then it was off to spin the wheel, with three contestants trying to win a place in the final showcase by landing on the $1 or the closest to it. No strategy, the spin is pure luck.
The man who spun the wheel before Davis landed a 90. The pastor needed 90 or above—and he got 90, prompting a tie. Each man was allowed only one additional spin, with the top number advancing. The first man got an 80—and then Davis spun a 95 to reach the final showcase.
Ironically, the final showcase involved two pastors: one from the Pacific Palisades and one from Texas.
Davis passed on the first showcase, which included a car and concert in Colorado, and then bid on a four-day KISS cruise to the Caribbean, instruments from KISS and a 2019 Fiat. His bid was $45,000 and the actual retail price was $46,650—a difference of just $1,650.

Pastor Kenneth Davis was on ‘The Price is Right’ with KISS, but failed to win the car and the opportunity to cruise with the rock band.
Alas, the Texas pastor bid $20,500 on his showcase, and the price was $21,857, a difference of $1,357.
Pastor Davis lost by $299, but then he already had a KISS tour. Not a bad day’s work for someone who was hoping a friend could get on the show.