PaliSkates Is Celebrating 25th Anniversary

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Friends, customers and skaters gather at an event hosted by Paliskates at the Palisades Rec Center.

Paliskates, Pacific Palisades’ popular skate shop, is celebrating its 25th anniversary on Friday, December 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be a DJ, food and a chance to reminisce. Customers and residents are invited to stop by – and to be sure to be added to the guest list via email:

When the store, founded and owned by Erica Simpson, opened in December 1999, many were leery of the success of a shop devoted to skateboarders, including shoes, clothing and of course skate boards.

But Simpson was more than a shop owner, she provided a place for teens to come and hang out and she hired them to work in her store. She became a second mother, a mentor, and a person that welcomed young people into her fold. And she held events that let skateboarders show their prowess.

The actress, turned entrepreneur, provided a launching pad for many youth’s careers. She taught them how to run a small business, the importance of customer service and even more mundane lessons such showing up on time to open the store. Teens under Simpson felt heard and supported.

She allowed her “trainees” to assist in buying and how to work as a team.

The business was shut down temporarily when the Palisades Village was being built because there was no parking, and the construction zone was not conducive to shopping.

Erica Simpson is the founder and owner of Paliskates.

Then Covid hit and Simpson had to fight her way back out of a hole because of lack of customers and financial obligations. And she did.

Simpson, who pioneered being the sole woman business owner of the skateboarding industry, stuck with it. She expanded her lines and added art, and consistently adapted to stay relevant and connected with its customer base.

Recently, Paliskates launched a brand-new podcast series on Instagram and TikTok. Tune in for the latest skate news, local gossip, exciting interviews with industry professionals, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of Paliskates (@Paliskates) click here.


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