Eisenstock’s ’13 Days in Ferguson’ Released
Mya Alexice, a book reviewer for Forward Magazine, writes that “13 Days in Ferguson is a nuanced, honest examination of race, duty, and spirituality.”
The book, released today by Tyndale House Publishers, was co-authored by Pacific Palisades resident Alan Eisenstock with Captain Ronald Johnson.
Alexice’s review continues, “Captain Ronald Johnson was in charge of the police force in Ferguson, Missouri, during the upset following Michael Brown’s murder, the incident that sparked several days of protests and riots. Johnson reconciles his occupation as an officer and his identity as a black man as he grapples with internal demons.
“Michael Brown’s unarmed body was left in the street for hours after he was shot by an unnamed cop. His neighborhood erupted in justified rage, taking to the streets to protest. The governor called in Johnson, who was serving with the Missouri State Highway Patrol, to deescalate things. Regardless of which side he was on, Johnson knew he had a responsibility to serve his community to the best of his ability.
“13 Days in Ferguson details the thirteen days of riots, protests, and marches that saturated Ferguson after Brown’s death.
“Johnson’s account adds much-needed nuance to the debate around police brutality. Vivid scenes of the chaos in Ferguson include tangible details and emotions.
“13 Days in Ferguson is a genuine, brutal observation of an important period.”
Before shifting careers in 1999 to write non-fiction books, Eisenstock spent 25 years writing for television and movies. He has published 15 books, starting with Inside the Meat Grinder, and featuring Hang Time: My Life in Basketball (April 2018), which he wrote with NBA legend Elgin Baylor.
On Eisenstock’s website (alaneisenstock.com), there is a three-minute video of Captain Johnson talking about the book and what he went through during those 13 unforgettable days.
“I am very, very proud of this book,” Eisenstock wrote in an email to his friends. “I think it’s timely, powerful, and emotional.”
His agent agreed, telling the writer, “This is the best book you’ve ever done.”