Palisades Residents Still Needed for Count

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Last year, the L.A. Conservation Corps came to the Via de las Olas Bluffs to help clean up former homeless encampments.

Sign Up for Homeless Count

The Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count will take place on Wednesday, January 23.

The count will take place in Pacific Palisades from 8 p.m. to midnight on that night. People will first meet at Corpus Christi Parish Hall 890 Toyopa Dr. The data gathered brings resources and awareness to the issue.

To register, visit: Once you have registered you will receive additional information. On the evening of the count, volunteers receive training and will be asked to sign a release. It takes about three hours as you work with a team to search and count homeless individuals.  About 50 people are needed and only 23 have signed up so far.

If you have website difficulties or would like further information, contact Palisadian Kim Clary at

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3 Responses to Palisades Residents Still Needed for Count


    Sue what is your email….at 1121 Galloway they just destroyed a huge 70+ year old tree, not diseased ..quietly telling only neighbors next door to move their cars…I have pictures….I grew up with that tree…speculators I believe…there is NO sign on the front of the property…no one lives in it…a guy next door said…they are going to rip it down too…guy next door said it had been rented….

  2. John Wilson says:

    It is against the law to cut down a tree on a parkway without a permit from the City.

    I have put people in jail for doing that

    John Wilson retired LA Deputy City Attorney

  3. Sue says:


    I sent a request to Councilman Bonin’s office on Friday after I saw photos of the tree being cut down. If there was a permit, I’d like to know why it was allowed. And if there was no permit, I want to know what Bonin proposes to do.

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