Palisades Centennial Art Contest Winners Announced; All Entries Posted at the Library

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The three photos shown (above and below) won the top three prizes for first grade.

In conjunction with the Pacific Palisades Historical Society, the American Legion Auxiliary sponsored a coloring/art contest to help the town celebrate its 100th birthday, which was Friday, January 14.

The Historical Society will host a special ceremony commemorating the centennial at Simon Meadow in Temescal Canyon on May 7.

Local artist Katie O’Neill took a historical photo, patterned after an early Zola Clearwater Collection photo, and drew a picture that youth in kindergarten through fifth grade were asked to color.

Once they completed the entry, youth dropped it at Estate Coffee on Via de la Paz, which graciously provided a safe place for entries to be collected.

Initially, a single prize was going to be given in three elementary categories: kindergarten-first grade, second-third grade and fourth-fifth grade.

The response was so overwhelming and the quality of the entries so outstanding that the Post 283 Auxiliary voted to honor first place in all five grades, with first place receiving $100, second place $50 and third place $25. Honorable mention entries receive $10.

The Pacific Palisades Historical Society is also awarding a year’s membership to the parents of all the first-place winners.

Thirty-two kindergarten students, 31 first-graders, 30 second-graders, 14 third-graders, 42 fourth-graders and 19 fifth-graders (a total of 175) participated in the contest. Corpus Christi Elementary submitted the most entries, followed by Marquez Elementary and Palisades Elementary.

The entries were judged at the end of December by two members of the Pacific Palisades Art Association, Annette Alexakis and Martha Meade.

Students in sixth- through eighth-grade were asked to submit an original art project. The winner, Nicole Nguyen from Paul Revere Middle School, will receive $300.

High school students also entered an original art project and the winner, Makayla Bagasao of Palisades High School, will receive $300.

The fifth-grade winner is River Coelen (Palisades Elementary), second is Aaron Goldberg (Canyon Elementary) and third is Alex Elkin (Marquez Elementary).

Fourth grade was a sweep for Marquez: Jacob Ditter, Stella Poon and Gemma Berry, and honorable mention Melanie Oshima.

Third grade: Fiona Lowe (Pali), Tamar Levertov (Pali) and Abigail Adams (Marquez), and honorable mention Flynn Allen (Pali).

Second grade: Siva Granible (Canyon) Mimi Chapin (Village School) and Henry Bear Copenhaver (Corpus Christi), and honorable mention Kensington Braun (Marquez), Emery Nick (Marquez) and Avery Hall (Pali).

First grade was once again a sweep for Marquez: Patrick Poon, Carter Reierson and Ruby Rosen.

Kindergarten: Rumi Gamble (Canyon), Nixie Lowe (Pali) and Anastasia Olympitis (Pali).

The Art Association sent the following letter to be shared with all entrants:

 “Welcome to this wonderful exhibition of emerging artists of the Palisades.  

“It was a challenge because so many very talented young artists participated. We found it very difficult to choose just a few. There were many worthy pieces of work, and many different styles and approaches. We looked at technique, attention to detail, imagination, and for a clear vision.

“There is no ‘right answer’ in art, but there are certain things art should do. It should communicate a vision, a thought or a feeling. When we look at it, it should help focus our feelings about the thing the artist is presenting.  It should help us see the world more deeply.

“And we found many works here which do just those things. So, we want to congratulate everyone who entered, not just the winners, for putting your vision on paper and showing us the way, you see the world.”

A special thanks to the staff at the Palisades Branch Library for hanging the entries in the community room. Residents are invited to stop by the library to see the artwork.


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One Response to Palisades Centennial Art Contest Winners Announced; All Entries Posted at the Library

  1. Donna Vaccarino says:

    Congratulations to all the Centennial Art Contest winners !!
    So happy to see all the vibrant renditions of our town’s favorite building.
    Thank you American Legion for your generous recognition of all this young and inspiring talent!!
    Many thanks to the Art Association for their good judgement and much appreciation to Katie O’Neil for her nostalgic drawing and to Sue Pascoe for this very cool idea!!
    Congratulations everyone!!

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