Performers acted out different scams that are perpetuated on seniors during one Senior Alliance meeting at the Palisades Library.
Prior to Covid, one of the most active senior organizations in town was Palisades Alliance for Seniors. Today, October 18, the board of directors sent an email that the Alliance has now been dissolved.
The directors wrote, “We’ve received quite a few inquiries asking if/when we will recommence the robust programming we previously ran. We too miss the joy and connection of those pre-COVID biweekly meetings at the library. Sadly, however, for logistical reasons we won’t be re-starting.
“So, we have dissolved the Alliance as a nonprofit corporation, and transferred our assets to another nonprofit, Meals on Wheels West (MOWW).”
CTN reached out to Alliance Board Chair Karen Stigler about the decision. She said that with the death of two of the board members and because two others board members are seriously ill, a shortfall of volunteers was an issue.
“The only person to take it on, was me, and I didn’t have the time anymore,” she said. “Rather than holding onto the money, and also having to continue to work with government reporting requirements, we decided to dissolve and let the funds be put to good use.”
The board consisted of Chair Karen Stigler, Treasurer Claude Goodrich, Secretary Steve Lantz, Esther Brudo (1926-2021), Iris Kaphan (1928-2023), Christine Odionu and Ron Segall.
“All the money that was transferred to Meals on Wheels West was left over from individual donations,” Stigler said. “We returned to the Woman’s Club the unused grant they had given us in March 2020.”
The Alliance, which was formed in 2016, was defined as “an intergenerational group helping seniors in Pacific Palisades to stay in their own homes and stay connected with their community even as they grow older and encounter some limitations.”
At its first meeting May 9, held at the Palisades Public Library, the topic “Strategies and Opportunities for Making Friends as We Age,” was an instant hit.
The popularity of that gathering led to bimonthly free meetings, with speakers addressing a variety of topics, such as senior transportation, falls, cardiac disease, dealing with Medicare, fire safety, the importance of exercise and identity thefts.
During those morning meetings, the Palisades Library Community room was filled with people. About once a month a meal was offered, and birthdays celebrated.
Then when California and L.A. County prohibited public meetings, because of the quarantine, meetings were halted March 2020.
On the Palisades Alliance website (www.palisadesalliance.org) the board noted that there are some upcoming free programs at the Palisades Library community room of specific interest to Seniors.
November 6, 10:30 a.m. Memory Matters and at 1:30 p.m. Senior Writing
November 13, 10:30 a.m. Medicare 101
November 15, 11 a.m., Stop Senior Scams Acting Program
November 20, 10:30 a.m. Communication and Dementia
November 27, 10:30 a.m. Medicare Fraud and at 1:30 p.m. Senior Writing