Dylan Walsh (left) and Noah Zaret, co-founders of TwoFoldTutoring, will work with your youth.
Palisades High School seniors Noah Zaret and Dylan Walsh have launched a student-driven tutoring company, TwoFoldTutoring.
Peers or older siblings sometimes make the best tutors, because they understand the teachers and the school environment. As your child’s school year unfolds, tuck this tutoring information away, in case he or she needs a little extra help.
Zaret and Walsh told CTN, “Our goal is ‘two fold’ – in addition to stellar student driven educational offerings, we’re donating 25 percent of each session’s proceeds to a charity of our client’s choice.”
A long-time resident wrote CTN in July suggesting we write a story because, “Noah is a rising senior and an honors student at Pali. I spent half an hour on the phone with him today — he is very bright, has good values and wants to be helpful to his clients.
“Not enough kids are constructive and entrepreneurial these days,” the resident told CTN in an email. “And bless him, he doesn’t have one iota of entitlement about him–he wants to work hard and doesn’t scoff at the American dream.”
CTN agrees with the resident’s assessment.
Walsh plays club soccer and is on the PaliHi team, while also working as an AYSO referee. He was a poll worker for last November’s election and worked as a camp counselor for Sports Mania in 2018.
Zaret, an All-City tennis player on Pali’s championship team, also plays club basketball and is a member of the debate club. He also started his own shoe business, 205.soles, buying and selling limited, sought-after sneakers and then selling them to clients, while managing his social media platforms and predicting market patterns.
The two friends have now hired other local students with 4.0 GPAs who are able to assist tutoring all ages and all subjects.
“Many of our tutors have completed and successfully earned high marks in their AP and honors level high school classes,” Zaret and Walsh said. “They are able to teach a wide variety of levels. By working hands-on with our top student tutors, clients will have the opportunity to emulate their recent academic success.”
Tutoring includes history (K-8, AP and honors World, European and U.S.); math (K-6, algebra, geometry, math analysis, pre-calculus and regular, honors and AP calculus); science (K-8, regular/honors/AP environmental, chemistry and biology) and English (K-10, regular/honors/AP Language and literature).
TwoFoldTutoring also offers AP Prep help by helping students learn “the do’s and don’ts of the AP classes.”
“We aim to provide a personalized learning experience,” the company’s founders said. (Email: twofoldtutoring@gmail.com or visit: twofoldtutoring.wixsite.com/website).
Walsh and Zaret want not only to help kids who may need an extra academic boost, but also to contribute some of their salary back to a charity of the student’s choice. If one is not specified, they recommend: Feeding America, St. Jude’s Hospital or the Los Angeles-based A Place Called Home, which focuses on improving the lives of less-fortunate kids.
The two said that since everyone in the company is under 18, “We would hate to see fellow children suffer due to circumstances beyond their control.” They point out that at St. Jude’s, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion, or a family’s ability to pay.

Co-founder of TwoFoldTutoring, Noah Zaret, works with a student.