On Halloween, many elementary school students cannot contain the excitement of the day to concentrate in the classroom. The idea of “trick-or-treating” seems to take priority over anything a teacher might be trying to present.
Luckily, Palisades Charter Elementary has found a way to channel the excitement. The entire school meets the morning of Halloween on the yard and a parade of costumes takes place.
The school’s principal, Juliet Herman, welcomed photographer Rich Schmitt to capture the excitement of students in Transitional through fifth grade.

Everyone was excited during the Palisades Halloween parade on Thursday morning.
Palisades Elementary has about 425 students and is one of the top elementary schools in the state of California. It is ranked 8 out of 10 by Great Schools. Its test scores are far above the state average with 77 percent of students performing at or above grade level in English and 72 percent of students scoring similarly in math.
Parents through P.E.P. (Palisades Enrichment Programs) raise money for the school, art (computer animations, drawing, sketching, graphics, painting), computers, performance arts, physical education, Spanish and music (choir, instrumental music and vocal lessons) are extras provided.
According to U.S. News, Pali is #22 out of all LAUSD elementary schools, #41 out of all California Charter Schools and #436 in California Elementary Schools.