
  • Park Advisory Board Meeting a Sh*t Show

    The Palisades Fire gravely impacted the Recreation Center, destroying not only the tennis building, the large gym and some of the field dugouts, but also the landscaping.
  • City/County Officials at Work

    L.A. Mayor Karen Bass and L.A. County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath argue over who has done a better job helping  Palisades residents after their community was destroyed more
  • Friends of the Library Will Gather Saturday

    Friends of the Palisades Library will meet from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, February 22 at the Westwood Branch Library, 1246 Glendon Avenue in Westwood. The Westwood
  • Free Chamber Music Concert on February 23

    Chamber Music Palisades continues its programming despite the venue (Palisades United Community Methodist Church) and founder Susan Greenberg’s home burning to the ground.
  • Help Replace Burned Sports Cards and Memorabilia

    By ANDREW WOLFBERG My 11-year-old son, Leo, and I are working on a project to support children from Pacific Palisades who lost their sports card and memorabilia collections
  • L.A. County Clarifies the Right of Entry Process

    The Army Corp of Engineers has begun Phase 2 of the Debris Removal Process. They have also put up a website, click here, where a resident can feed in their address and see if
  • Free Books for Youth, Ages 0-18

    A consortium of concerned Angelenos (basically friends in the entertainment business, some of whom live in our community and lost their own homes and children’s schools and
  • California Community Foundation Lists Wildfire Recovery Grants

    On person on social media wrote: “I have a question: Where are all the millions that was donated for the fire victims?” Good question. Not one person who lost a home in the
  • The Aftermath of The Palisades Fire – a Drone View

    By GARY BAUM I recorded this video on February 7, after the FAA lifted flight restrictions. We were on Cumbre Alta Court, and we were incredibly fortunate—one of only four
  • What Santa Promised Last December in Simon Meadow

      By LOU KAMER This is an absolutely true story. Just a couple of months ago, Santa and his entourage once again arrived in Pacific Palisades, riding through town on LA