
  • Maggie Gilbert Aquatic Center Offers Public Swim

      Swimming at the Maggie Gilbert Aquatic Center at Palisades High School just got cheaper on Sundays. Aquatics Director Brooke King has announced a special deal for
  • Transient Recognized as Possibly One that Set an Earlier Fire

    Circling the News ran a brief story about a one-eighth acre brush fire at 4:39 p.m., in the 1000 block of Palisades Drive, on July 18. No structures were threatened. Crews
  • Diversion Program Suggested for Attempted Murder

    Early Friday Morning, Palisades resident and a Santa Monica store owner John Alle sent the following email: Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. I’ll be face-to-face in a
  • Emmy Nominations Announced: Palisadians in the Mix

    BY BERNICE FOX It’s Palisadian vs. Palisadian in some Emmy nomination categories! Larry David and Martin Short. Eugene Levy and Conan O’Brien. With Curb Your Enthusiasm’s
  • Highlands Brush Fire Extinguished

        Firefighters put out a fire on one-eighth of an acre of medium brush at 4:39 p.m., in the 1000 block of Palisades Drive, today, July 18. No structures were
  • What Is It #31

    One day in the 1980’s walking in downtown Nancy, France, I notice a large demolition bin outside of a well-known Patisserie that was undergoing renovation. I peered
  • Taking the National Japanese Language Test

    (Editor’s note: Chaz Plager graduated from Palisades High School in June. His first story for CTN was as an eighth grader at Paul Revere Middle School in 2020 click here.  )
  • Pot Shots #19

    What are Pot-Shots? Ashleigh Brilliant writes:     WHAT EXACTLY IS A “POT-SHOT” OR “BRILLIANT THOUGHT?” Pot-Shots are epigrams, composed
  • Lots of Questions about Why Homeless Aren’t Being Helped or Housed: Few Answers

    (Editor’s note: This story first appeared in CityWatch on July 15 and is reprinted with permission.) TIM CAMPBELL  After the June 28 announcement that LAHSA’s latest PIT
  • RVs Parked Next to Ocean Could Heighten Bacterial Levels

    Among some of the hottest days of the summer, many nearby L.A. County Beaches have been closed because of elevated bacterial levels from fecal matter. Storm drains that