
  • What is It? #34

    If you guessed something from the ocean, you would be correct. The green object is a Japanese glass fishing-net float. I found it on Will Rogers State Beach after a pineapple
  • Break-in on Embury: LAPD Offers Prevention Tips

    There were two break-ins in the 1100 block of Embury Street this past weekend. The first occurred at 10:04 p.m. on Saturday, August 3. The criminals used a ladder to enter
  • Pot Shots #22

      What are Pot-Shots?   Ashleigh Brilliant writes: WHAT EXACTLY IS A “POT-SHOT” OR “BRILLIANT THOUGHT?” Pot-Shots are epigrams, composed
  • Progress on the Dog Park, Maybe?

    By: CHAZ PLAGER Look, I love my dog. And he loves our house. We’re lucky enough to have a spacious yard to put him in, with space to use as a toilet. But sometimes you want
  • Diesel Bookstore in Brentwood Has New Owners

    Richard and Heather Turner took over ownership of Diesel Bookstore located at the Brentwood Country Mart on August 1. “We’re not going to change Diesel,” they said. “We love
  • Vivian’s Boutique by Nicole Opened August 1

    When brown paper went up in the windows of long-time clothier Vivian Foster’s store on Via de la Paz at the end of July, residents were concerned. For 38 years Foster had
  • “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” a Tale of Wildfires

    Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by the Platters was number #1 on the charts in 1959 “. . .when your heart’s on fire, You must realize smoke gets in your eyes.” Wildfire smoke
  • When Is Homelessness Funding Enough?

    By TIM CAMPBELL One of the most common criticisms of the concentration of the nation’s wealth into the hands of a few uber-wealthy people is that there never seems to be
  • Crime: Residential Burglary, Jewelry/Direction Scam, Post Office Nuisance

    RESIDENTIAL BURGLARIES: The vehicle (in the first photo) a black Chevy Suburban, has been seen in several burglaries throughout the Westside. The suspects are possibly three
  • Celebrate Family Day at Will Rogers State Park: It’s the 80th

    Will Rogers Family Day will celebrate the 80th anniversary of widow Betty Blake Rogers gifting the family’s 186-acre ranch to California’s State Park on Sunday, August 11.