
  • What Is It? #50

    One cold November afternoon Daniele and I were traveling on a country road west of London when an old car with this piece of furniture on its roof passed us going in the
  • LA Animal Services General Manager Resigns

    (EDITOR’S NOTE: This story first appeared on the Westside Current on December 3 and is printed with permission. It has been updated with LA City Controller Kenneth Mejia’s
  • Pot Shot #37

    Ashleigh Brilliant writes: WHAT EXACTLY IS A “POT-SHOT” OR “BRILLIANT THOUGHT?” Pot-Shots are epigrams, composed according to the following very
  • Upcoming Holiday Concerts Start the Holiday Season

    This weekend, there are a nice selection of holiday concerts to choose from in Pacific Palisades and surrounding areas. There are Pacific Palisades residents performing in
  • Dog Park Advocate Campbell Wins Sparkplug

    To describe the Herculean efforts to establish a dog park in Palisades the story would equal the 24 books of the Odyssey. The three women who have fought for a dog park,
  • LETTER: Dog Park Information Sent to L.A. County Lindsey Horvath’s Office

    (Editor’s note: in researching the dog park story, CTN was given the letter below which was sent to L.A. County Supervisor Lindsey Horvath’s office in July 2024,
  • Temescal Canyon Association Hosts December 10 Meeting

      The Temescal Canyon Association will host its annual meeting via Zoom from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10. There will be several guest speakers, which includes
  • Park Announces Reelection Bid: Raises More Than $100,000 in First 24-Hours

    Councilwoman Traci Park, who was elected to Los Angeles City Council in 2022 has formally opened her campaign for the June  2026 election. Running as the incumbent for her
  • “Crime 101” Shooting in Pacific Palisades

    If you hear gun shots or other “special effect” on December 10 and 11, do not call LAPD, don’t check the Citizen app, do not go the neighborhood gossip site, do not
  • Busy Weeks Ahead Filled with Joyful Events

    The next couple of weeks are filled with events: print out this page so you can “check” them off and make sure you don’ t miss anything. And if you’re unsure of what to do,