
  • Residents Say Goodbye to Employees

    The Long, Sad Goodbye By MARGE GOLD The goodbyes started on July 9, the first day of Norris Hardware’s 50 % off sale. The hardware store, founded in 1925 and one of Pacific
  • ‘BARK!’ Produced by MacLeod and Wishnick

    MacLeod, Wishnick Named Executive Producers Gavin MacLeod and Arnie Wishnick will serve as executive producers of “BARK! The Musical,” which will open on August
  • 2018 Emmy Nominations Announced

    2018 Emmy Nominations – Lots of Palisadians Received the Nod! By BERNICE FOX We know Bill Hader’s new HBO series, “Barry,” is a hit with viewers, because it was renewed
  • Viewpoint: Out of Work, Again

    New Beginnings: New Jobs After working at the Palisades News for about four and half years (and the Palisadian-Post eight years before that), I have been touched and feel
  • Rec Center Basketball Floor Replaced

    Gym Floor Replacement Underway The L.A. Clippers organization and Clippers owners Steve and Connie Ballmer made a multi-million-dollar donation to the L.A. Parks Foundation
  • Haverford Home Wins First

    Trotti/Connolly’s Home Takes First By SUE PASCOE Haverford residents David Trotti and Amy Kate Connolly entered the Fourth of July Patriotic Home Contest for the first
  • Norris Hardware Closing Sale

    Norris Mobbed by Customers Norris owners Ellen and Grant Sears had announced at the end of June that the hardware store would start a 50 percent-off sale on July 9 in
  • Scott Heineman

    Scott Heineman Selected for AAA All-Stars

    Pacific Palisades resident Scott Heineman, who plays AAA ball just learned that he is the all-star replacement for Fresno’s Kyle Tucker, who was called up on July 7 to play
  • Palisadian-Post Ditches Editor John Harlow

          Without any warning about what was to come, Palisadian-Post Editor John Harlow was called into owner/publisher Alan Smolinisky’s office on
  • Ellen and Grant Sears

    Norris Hardware

      Norris Hardware to Close by September 1 By SUE PASCOE Grant and Ellen Sears have confirmed what their customers had feared: they will not renew their lease at Norris