
  • Addressing the Mentally Ill Who Are Homeless

      (EDITOR’S NOTE: A reader, tired of hearing about how homelessness programs were ineffective, challenged people to offer solutions, rather than just criticize existing
  • What is it #39?

    I found this on a crowded shelf at our local Salvation Army store. It looked old and interesting, so I took a chance for $8.50. After doing some research, I learned it’s an
  • Revere School Traffic Needs to Be Fixed

    The traffic at drop-off and pic- up times at Paul Revere Middle School needs to be fixed. There is only one road, Allenford, that goes by the school entrance. That street
  • Pot Shots #26

    What are Pot-Shots? Ashleigh Brilliant writes: WHAT EXACTLY IS A “POT-SHOT” OR “BRILLIANT THOUGHT?” Pot-Shots are epigrams, composed according to the
  • Mansion Tax Fallout: LA Sees Sharp Drop in Housing Production

    (Editor’s note: This story appeared on September 12, in the Westside Current and is reprinted with permission.) By ANGELA MCGREGOR The November, 2022 passage of ULA
  • PaliHi Band Marches On

    By CHAZ PLAGER With the start of each new school year at Palisades Charter High School, there is also a new Pali Band season. And when we say new, we really mean new. Peter
  • Getty Villa Revives Ancient Hero in Outdoor Theater Production

    By LIBBY MOTIKA Circling the News Contributor Over the 18 years that the Getty Villa has been presenting Greek and Roman drama, the Trojan War, its triumphant heroes and
  • Brentwood, UCLA Leases on VA Ruled Illegal

    U.S. District Judge David O. Carter, after a 16-day bench trial, ordered the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on September 6, to build housing for low-income veterans on
  • Free Concert Features “Peter and Mr. Wolf”

    Introduce your children to classical music with Composer Alan Chapman’s original piece Peter and Mr. Wolf at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 22. The family-friendly event is
  • Emmys Were a Win-Win for Home Audience

      The 76th Emmy Awards were held September 15, hosted by former Pacific Palisades Mayor Eugene Levy and son Dan. Radio talk show host Tim Conway Jr. on his September 16