
  • Owl Habitat Destroyed by Brush Clearance

    A resident sent the following letter and video to Mountains Recreation and Conservancy Agency and to Circling the News. We just got home to find that the service doing work
  • Two Art Events Scheduled for August

    The Pacific Palisades Art Association has two events of note in August: a Show and Tell and Color Pencil Techniques demonstration. The first is an Art Show and Tell from 5:45
  • Honor for Jamie Lee Curtis; Anticipation for Christopher Guest’s New Film

      By BERNICE FOX   It’s an exciting time for Pacific Palisades couple Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest. Curtis has received a special honor. And Guest has
  • Viewpoint: Homeless California Gold Rush: Nonprofits Panning for Money  

    During the California Gold Rush, there were 624 miners for every 1,000 people. But, it wasn’t the goldminers that made millions, it was the businessmen providing services.
  • Saving Endangered Plants, One Orchid at a Time

    (Editor’s note: The President of the Malibu Orchid Society Birute Anne Vileisis, told this editor about an orchid species that was endangered because of a declining habitat.
  • Hypocrisy of Local Leaders Become Apparent

    (Editor’s note: This viewpoint first appeared in the Westside Current and is reprinted with permission.) By TIM CAMPBELL There have been some interesting stories in the
  • 40-Year-Old Playground Needs to be Replaced

    (Editor’s note: The simple facts: the Palisades Recreation Center 40-year-old playground is not ADA compliant. Although Palisades residents are among the highest taxpayers in
  • What is It? #34

    If you guessed something from the ocean, you would be correct. The green object is a Japanese glass fishing-net float. I found it on Will Rogers State Beach after a pineapple
  • Break-in on Embury: LAPD Offers Prevention Tips

    There were two break-ins in the 1100 block of Embury Street this past weekend. The first occurred at 10:04 p.m. on Saturday, August 3. The criminals used a ladder to enter
  • Pot Shots #22

      What are Pot-Shots?   Ashleigh Brilliant writes: WHAT EXACTLY IS A “POT-SHOT” OR “BRILLIANT THOUGHT?” Pot-Shots are epigrams, composed