
  • Rose Bowl Parade an Iconic Southern California Event: Try Decorating

    The 136th Rose Parade, with the theme “Best Day Ever,” will start at Green Street and Orange Boulevard on January 1, 2025. Bill Jean King will serve as grand Marshal. Three
  • LAHSA Does NOT Follow Conflict 700 Disclosure Requirements

    (Tim Campbell wrote in an email to several friends: This column is a follow-up to last week’s column, albeit unintentionally.  When I was writing last week’s
  • What Is It? (#150) Happy New Year!

    In 1986 these two bottles were filled with Raymond Baptiste’s (Daniele’s father) renowned Mirabelle liquor. The drink started with Raymond harvesting golden, round
  • Pearl Buck’s “The Christmas Book” Speaks about Memories

    For many Christmases it was one family member’s responsibility to pick out a Christmas book, which we read on Christmas night by the tree. The person selecting a book rotated
  • December 1944: General George S. Patton and the Power of Prayer

    (Editor’s note: The following information was taken from a story in the Friends of the National WWII Memorial
  • The Menorah Is Lit at Palisades Village

    By CHAZ PLAGER It was a cold, foggy night on December 19 in the Palisades Village. However, the hundreds of people crowded around the street just outside the Bay Theater
  • Letter: HMBAP, LLC Attorney Kenneth Ehrlich Regarding Paseo Miramar

    (Editor’s note: CTN received a letter from Attorney Kenneth Ehrlich regarding the Paseo Miramar Story. It is printed below. My response follows. Additionally, CTN reached out
  • The Brownstone Christmas Tree

    When I lived in New York and took acting classes, I was assigned to work on a scene with a woman who was in her early fifties.  She had always seemed bemused and quietly
  • John Lennon’s Rainbow Mittens 

    When I was twenty-in, I loaded up a suitcase with all my worldly possessions, two hundred dollars, and took a Greyhound bus from South Dakota to New York City. I was too
  • Resilience Is One  Trait of Wisdom

    When Palisadian Dr. Laura Gabayan began the Wisdom Research Project in 2022, the eight traits continually identified with wisdom were: resilience, kindness, positivity,