Nearly 3,000 runners/walkers take off to start July 4 in Pacific Palisades. If there is money left after expenses, it is channeled back into the community through grants.
The Pacific Palisades Optimist Club, whose motto is “Friend of Youth” and whose goal is to “Bring Out the Best in Kids,” will once again make annual grants to youth organizations based in the Palisades or those that provide services that benefit children in the community.
Grants may be used to fund a specific event, for equipment, a facility or service, and must be spent this year.
Grants are awarded on the basis of various criteria, including the impact on youth in Pacific Palisades, the number of youths affected by the program, the effectiveness of the program and the program’s likely longevity.
Applications are available at palisadesoptimistclub.com or by emailing Grant Committee Chair Jody Margulies at Jodymargulies@me.com.
Applications must be completed and returned by March 1. Awards will be made in May. Additional required information is available on the application.
Since 1987, the Optimists have partnered with the Palisades Will Rogers 10K Race Foundation (also known as the Ridge Runners) on the Fourth of July. Club members register runners the day of the race, provide water at stations and hand out t-shirts after the race. After expenses are paid, the money from registration fees goes to the Optimists to pay for the grants.
(Note: In the past, applications were available in the Chamber of Commerce office, but they no longer want to provide this community service.)